Parachuting from soaring heights,
Scaling towering skyscrapers so high,
Risking my only life in a bloody war,
I'd do anything to have you by my side.

If I had to get launched to the moon,
Or swim shark infested oceans blue,
There is not one insane thing,
That would scare me away from you.

I want always to be with you,
From the moment I awake,
And the love I am feeling now,
On my life I will stake.

I would never take you for granite,
I'd be greatful for each day,
Together with you in my life,
All I ask is stay.

I would climb treacherous icy capped mountains,
Run naked through sharp and cutting fields of wheat,
Bow down on my humble knees,
If only asked to kiss your precious feet.

Fly a delapidated plane blind without lessons,
With no safety ropes, I'd climb the fiercest and tallest trees,
Fight the largest vicious alligator in a muddy swamp,
Nothing will keep you away from me.

I want always to be with you,
From the moment I awake,
And the love I am feeling now,
On my life I will stake.

I would never take you for granite,
I'd be greatful for each day,
Together with you in my life,
Marie, all I ask is stay.

I would get chased by honery bulls,
throught the streets of mexico city,
I would race against the finest of Nascar,
and if killed, never ask for pity.

I would run through an inferno of fire,
slowly walk across glowing red coals,
I would kiss the hand of the devil,
I would let him have my soul.

I want always to be with you,
From the moment I awake,
And the love I am feeling now,
On my life I will stake.

I would never take you for granite,
I'd be greatful for each day,
Together with you in my life,
All I ask is stay.

He would not get to keep me long,
Because the power of love is to great,
That evil man the devil,
Will never control my fate.

The eternal love he would see that I have for you,
a love he will never know,
I would kick that devil's scrawny evil ass,
The son of a bitch would have to let me go.

I want always to be with you,
From the moment I awake,
And the love I am feeling now,
On my life I will stake.

I would never take you for granite,
I'd be greatful for each day,
Together with you in my life,
All I ask is stay.

Once victorious when I win the many battles,
That I will fight for you to prove my love,
You will see that my confidence and strength,
Comes from The One With All Power, the Man above.

God carries and graces us in miraculous ways,
of which sometimes we are obliviously blind,
Most importantly he has instructed me,
That I shall never once leave you behind.

I want always to be with you,
From the moment I awake,
And the love I am feeling now,
On my life I will stake.

I would never take you for granite,
I'd be greatful for each day,
Together with you in my life,
All I ask is stay.

Living and loving harmoniously together one day,
I invision our dream of how it will be,
And visions we work on together, turning reality,
Is all my lucid eyes can see.

Working towards a wonderful future,
Happily together in the end,
At each others sides,
We will always be best friends

I Will Always Love You !




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