Test Your JAG Knowledge
Here is a quiz that will test your knowledge of JAG.  More questions will be added in the future as the seasons progress.  If you have any questions that you would like me to add, please email me at stevie19_80@yahoo.com. I'd be happy to add new questions and if you would like to correct me on a question that has been posted that is wrong please let me know.  I hope you all enjoy these questions and the rating scale shown below. 

Rating Scale:
: Extremely obssessed with the show. JAGaholic
80+% : Bridging on obssession, you are a very avid fan. JAGmaniac
60+% : Dedicated watcher, not all facts known.
40+% : Watch the show, but if you miss one, it's all good.
20+% : Miss many of the shows, watch when you can.
0+%   : Rarely watch the show.

1. Who did Catherine Bell play as in her first role in JAG?
2. What are Mac's unique skills?
3. What is Harm's RIO's call sign?
4. What was Harm's call sign when he returned to flying?
5. What did Harm own before he bought the SUV?
6. Why did he buy a new car?
7. Who won the Jagathon?
8. Who was second in the race (Jagathon)?
9. In "Ghosts of Christmas Past", who did Catherine Bell play as?
10. In "Ghosts of Christmas Past", who did Karri Turner play?
11. What other role has Nanci Chambers played on JAG?
12. What is Tiner's first name?
13. What was Harm's first rank?
14. What was Mac's first rank?
15. What languages does Mac speak fluently?
16. Where does Harm go every Christmas Eve?
17. What addiction did Mac have in the past?
18. What is Mac's favorite hobby?
19. What is Mac's favorite place?
20. What is Mac's uncle's first name?
21. What did Gunny Galindez do before his job at JAG?
22. What did Mac compare Dalton's Porsche to?
23. What kind of kitchen mitts does Harm have?
24. What food does Mac like?
25. Who was Harm's first partner?
26. Who was Harm's second partner?
27. Name all of Harm's past relationships.
28. Name all of Mac's past relationships.
29. Who is flyboy?
30. Who is Batman & Robin?
31. Who is Ninja Girl?
32. What is Bud and Harriet's son's name?
33. What is the name of Bud and Harriet's deceased daughter?
34. When did Harm and Mac first kiss?
35. Who shot an automatic weapon in the courtroom?
36. What is the name of Harm's stepfather?
37. Where do Harm's stepfather and mother preside (city, state)?
38. What is Harm's mother's name?
39. How long of a headstart did Mac have on Harm in Jagathon?
40. Where did Harm learn to drive?
41. What is the Admiral's whole name?
42. Who does Clayton Webb work for?
43. What did Mac's uncle steal?
44. Finish this phrase. Marines don't duck, ______    ______.
45. Whos is Mac's little sister?
46. What kind of plane does Harm own?
47. What is the occupation of the man that Renee married?
48. Who is Sarah, his stearman, named after?
49. What is Harm's brother's name?
50. When did Bud first meet Harm?
51. How many Distinguished Flying Crosses did Harm receive?
52. Where did Harm and Mac meet?
53. Where is Mic Brumby from?
54. What did the Admiral used to be before he was the JAG?
55. What is the name of Annie Pendry's son?
56. Who did Mac meet in the desert in Black Jet?
57. What is Bud's brother's name?
58. What is the name of the person who impersonated Harm?
59. Who stalked Mac?
60. What other shows did Donald Bellersario create?
61. What is the Gunny's first name?
62. What is Ime's first name?
63. What is Mattoni's first name?
64. How did Harm get out of jail in People vs. Rabb?
65. Where did Harm go first after he escaped from jail?
66. Why did Harm go to Russia (the first time)?
67. What did Mac accidentally tell Sturgis about Harm?
68. What did Sturgis used to do?
69. Who is Bud's assistant on the Seahawk (current)?
70. What did Singer accuse the petty officer accused of stealing?
71. How many times has Harm kissed Mac?
72. When Harm hit his head, he had illusions of Mac, what did he call her?
73. When did Harm first meet Bud?
74. When Kate Pike returned to JAG, who else did she know from when she was there?
75. How did Harm solve Mac's problem of taking two books with her?
76. What two things did Harm offer to help Mac with in the season 8 premiere?
77. Who did the Admiral date who had a son named Danny?
78. Where is Tracy Manetti from?
79. What did Admiral give Bud as a "welcome home" gift?
80. What did Mac give to Bud as a "welcome home" gift?

MORE Questions coming soon!!!!!
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