The Peanut Gallery
Here are some really great clear pics of the various people in JAG. 
Feel free to use them as you wish. 
Have fun viewing!!!. 
The Admiral - Albert Jethro Chegwidden (No wonder everyone calls him AJ)
Bud - Bud J. Roberts (Comic relief!!!!!)
Harriet - Harriet Roberts (Lovely wife of Bud!!!)
Gunny - Victor Galindez (Marine)
Webb - Clayton Webb (CIA)
Tiner - Jason Tiner (Navy)
~ Hello to all those JAGfans out there.  Just wanted to let you all know that the images belong to CBS and Bellarsario Productions.  Copyright infringement is unintentional.  Please don't sue me - but then I wouldn't mind the Commander defending   ^_^!!!!~
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