You're a JAG fan when ....
   I thought this would be a fun little section to add to my page ..... if you have any cool ideas post me a message.  I have not looked at any other sites for this info. So if any of these ideas sound similar - I guess we're just thinking on the same lines.  Definitely not plagarism.  This is purely made up by me!!!!
The next car you buy will be a Corvette or a Lexus SUV.
When you get an apartment in a rundown part of town, you will do all the renovations by yourself.
To get the attention of our handsome Commander, you will go to the ends of the earth to break some military law.
You named your plane Sarah.
You have an imitation set of dress whites and gold wings.
Your whole wardrobe is made up of V-necks and leather jackets.
You have studied each and every case that the show has ever brought up.
You're going to join the Navy and become a Tomcat pilot turned JAG lawyer. 
You have a boyfriend in Australia.
You had your jaw wired shut just to see how it feels.
You have an obsession of finding your father.
You've gone to Russia and have talked to the gypsies there.
You've adopted a little sister.
You love Beltway burgers even though you don't know what they're composed of.
You make Harm's special meatless meatloaf in your spare time.
You like to shoot the ceiling of the courtroom during a trial.
You have an ex-spouse that no one knows about.
You are now the best man to a guy you don't even really know very well.
You never say the words "I love you."
All of your illusions and dreams have Mac in them.
At your engagement party - you decide to talk about a fraternization case with your partner.
You also decide to give your best friend a "goodbye" kiss that turns out to be a whole lot more.
You imagine your "partner" being hanged by your fiancee.
You decide that you're going to engage in your 6 - month quals the night before your best friend's wedding.
You put up mistletoe in hopes of being kissed my a certain commander.
You fall asleep in a courtroom.
You try to redo a red convertible.
You dunk yourself in the really cold ocean and see you if you can develop hypothermia and survive.
You think that people can be resecusitated the "Skates" way.
You want to be like the Sundance Kid.
You want to snuggle up in the looked amazingly comfortable.
You wear funky looking spandex.
You flip for everything.
You want to be in "man country".
You have a vision on Singer on the Seahawk.
You buy the Marine/Navy uniform.
You can use chopstick proficiently to eat lo mein.
You write Star Trek fanfic based on Shakespeare.
You frantically try to find a place called Benzinger's to hang out in.
Your dog answers to "God***it".
You want to be a hunter.
You want to be a presiding judge.
You get yourself arrested so that you can slam your hand against the 2 way mirror.
You make yourself a suspect by behaving as defensively as possible.
You room with the opposite sex which is very inappropriate to some people.
You lie about getting married so that you can resign your job in peace.
You eject out of a plane accidentally.
~ Hello to all those JAGfans out there.  Just wanted to let you all know that the images belong to CBS and Bellarsario Productions.  Copyright infringement is unintentional.  Please don't sue me - but then I wouldn't mind the Commander defending   ^_^!!!!~
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