In the beginning.............

I once learned how to surf and browse the Web, get into its shallow portion and visited almost popular websites and WebPages. Now there was something I intended to have and owe, eagerness deep inside me made my curiosity and idea gone wider and broader, and the creative instinct flows forced me to sore into the deepest state of the mind.

I said to myself, "Let there be Personal Web Site for myself." I gathered more information about web pages and homepages through Internet and borrowed some Internet Magazines from my friend. And there was web searching and book reading - the first day.

And I said to myself, "Let there be visible layout and fruitful content for my site." So I laid down myself in front of PC, I worked offline, accumulate all the information I gathered before and used it all to be the basic content. And there was my first draft of web page - the second day.

And I said to myself, "Let there be some kind of magnetic attraction and head-turning looks for the structure of my web page." I got myself online, depend myself upon search engines, gathered fancy still photos and animated graphics applicable for my page. I collected some pictures from my photo album scanned some of it, and put some on my page. And there was interaction, life and animation - the third day.

And I said to myself, "Let the effects from JavaScript overrule to give more life and intensity to the extent of my page." I sacrificed some of my precious time for the self-studying of JavaScript languages, I downloaded some JavaScript code fresh from Gurus of the web. And there was JavaScript programming - the fourth day.

Then I said to myself, "Let there be domain name for my WebPages." And so, I signed up for free domain name and started to configure it. I placed all my files united in one directory to prepare those necessary files needed for online and worldwide access. And there was file uploading - the fifth day.

And I said to myself, "Let there be online exposure, online testing and necessary modification on my site." I set my site as our browser's homepage, emailed my offline and online friends then announced my newly-built web page. And there was Web site submission to popular search engines, promotions, broadcast and announcement - the sixth day.

Thus my first-built Website were completed and published online in all their vast array, easily accessed by users with absolutely user-friendly environment.

By the seventh day, I had finished my work I had been doing; on the seventh day there were no classes and shall be no office works. I thank God for all the blessings and enjoy my pleasant rest day.

-Rizal aka bayaning buhay ng STI-Sta. Cruz