We here at Nice and Easy Productions would like to take this opportunity to thank the many lovely people who helped make this website the very special place it is today. We'd like to thank firstly ourselves, because quite frankly, without us this would never have eventuated. And we guess we should probably thank Timothy Ferguson for being such a wonderful source of inspiration and laughter... but that's not terribly important.

But seriously, all joking aside... not that we were joking before!

Anyway... we'd especially like to thank the following people:

  • The lovely boys from Tripod for recognising the gorgeousness, and giving us permission to use their song lyrics. If you get the chance, go see them... they're great!

  • Marvellous Mandie at Digital Dag, for her generous time and help on all things from design tips to putting up with stupid questions. And her generosity in letting us use her screen captures and other piccies. Go visit her website... you'll be amazed!

  • Classy Claire at Tangawarra, for her generosity in sharing her resources and piccies with us. Go visit her website... it's choc full of information on the Doug Anthony Allstars and various other Australian comedians.

  • Captivating Cath, for letting us use some of her lovely pics and screen captures. We'd tell you to go see her too, but it'd probably freak her out if she suddenly had a whole bunch of strangers turning up on her doorstep for no apparent reason.

  • Jaunty Jess, for her generosity in sharing her gorgeous piccies with us.

  • Nifty Nicole from TV1, for her patience and help with our queries.

If you have any questions about the website, or wish to report any broken links (as opposed to The Missing Link... we have our suspicions as to who he is, but we're not game to say for fear of legal repercussions), then please email us.

If you wish to contact Tim Ferguson directly... tough bikkies. We can't help you out there. You may, however, wish to send your love letters to:

Tim Ferguson
c/- TV1 Television's Greatest Hits
Locked Bag 6

We can't guarantee that he'll get it, or even read it, but why not give it a try!


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