Vital Signs

DAAS Terrible

The Box

The Pen Man

Sweet Transvestite

Corporate Culture



The Tripod Tribute

Doing It For Love

Don't Pigeonhole Me

Late Breaking Gossip

To Market, To Market


Call Me Now

Message Bored


Publication unknown, 1991

Tim Ferguson changes his statement as quickly as he draws a breath - one minute he's talking about shocking people, the next he says he doesn't. In fact, talking with Tim, one of the Doug Anthony Allstars trio, is more contradictory than believing the weather man's forecast.

These comedians seem like naughty boys who try to shock, then say they didn't, who like to tell lies, then say they ain't, and loathe and detest anyone liking their humour. Starting as part of the Big Gig line up on ABC TV, these comedians have their very own grown-up show, DAAS Kapital- a seven-part sci-fi series that features rude words, sex, violence, filth and high art. Ah, but it has dimensional animation and features new Japanese video techniques never seen in Australia. Sound bizarre, a trifle weird, even confusing? Then the trio has achieved its objective.

"It is designed so people don't know what the hell is going on," Tim says. "As you watch the series, it starts to unravel and make more sense. Every new show takes a while for you to get the feel - this is fairly fast moving." But will those familiar with the work of Tim and fellow DAAS members Paul McDermott and Richard Fidler, follow the show? "We hope they hate it," Tim garbles. "We want nothing to do with the scumbags who like our humour- it's a sad indictment on society. We have nothing but loathing and contempt for anyone who likes our stuff or who comes to see our concerts - we can't stop them coming."

While Tim insists DAAS never ladens themselves with messages to their work, he admits any theme to their satire is subconscious. Kapital begins at the end of history. Tim says the idea came from a Japanese/American writer, Fukuyama. The storyline is, Shitsu-Tonka - a giant conglomerate of universal power launches a submarine, the Titanic, which carries the DAAS and a precious cargo - the Earth's greatest Art treasures. Each episode is neatly contained and not just sequences edited together. Episode six is entitled: Don't watch this episode. Tim says it contains pornography - it's not shocking, just sex, but considering some people might be offended he wants them to know up-front what's in it. "What's so rude about sex?," Tim asks. "Everybody does it, except, of course, if you are a virgin. If people know what the episode's about then they won't write in and complain."