Welcome to the Web Site of
St. Michael and All Angels, Stockwell
St. Michael's is an inner city parish with a diverse cultural and social make-up within the Diocese of Southwark in South London. The church plays an important role within the community, both in meeting the spiritual needs of our congregation and in the wider social life of the area.
This site explores the history of the church since its consecration in 1841, looks at the Parish and the surrounding area today and at the spiritual and social role St. Michael's plays within the community. Please explore our site for more information about us and about our church. We are looking forward to the future under our Priest-in-Charge, Canon Andrew Grant, and would appreciate your prayers for the work of the Church in the Parish and throughout God's world.
Please follow the links below for more information about our church, parish and community.
Our Services
Details of our Services and Lent Groups. We would be delighted to see you at any of  our Services.
Our Ministry
Our Christian ministry is at the heart of the church. Here we consider  some aspects of this work.
History of the Church
A detailed account of the churches history based on research by the Rev. Tony Lucas, a former incumbent, and original research for this site.
Church Restoration
St. Michael's is in need of substantial repairs. We  have received lottery funding but are actively working to raise the additional money to complete the work.

Where We Are
Information about our parish and how to reach us.
Who's Who In the Church
Information on the PCC and the organisation of the church.
The Church Buildings
A 'guided tour' of our church, which has several interesting architectural and historical features including several stained glass windows by the acclaimed John Trinick and a layout which is 'the wrong way  around!'
Church Groups
There are several groups within, or associated with the Church,  both involved directly in worship (such as the choir and Sunday School)  and in our social activities.
8th Lambeth Scouts
The 8th Lambeth Scouts are associated with St. Michaels. They include both Cub and Scout sections and hope to open a Beaver colony in the near future. Click here for details.
Please contact us with any comments or questions about this site or our church by signing our Guestbook
Links to other Christian Sites
Here we have included links to some of our favourite sites.
View our Guestbook
This site was last updated
       29 March 2003
You are visitor number
since 27 February 2002

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