Ancient Mines - (Minoans) Found Intact!

                                 Trace Element Analysis Compares Lake Superior Copper
                                                           With Ingots of Crete
                                                                 At 1500 BC!

                                                          By Jason O’Donoghue

The Mines called the “Tears of Thermodon,”1 are a forgotten passage from the dawn of man: a no longer silent testimonial to an obscure and critical part of human history.  From within these forgotten mines, three thousand years of silence echoes our lost knowledge of a time when Celtic Sea People2 ruled as the Pharaohs of the people of Egypt, rulers of the peoples of Crete, Persia, the Indus Valley, the Moche, the Mu, and the people of the lands between.  The Sea People ruled as Man Gods, through the use of deception3 and wealth derived from copper, hammered from fire-weakened rock4 by the use of hammer-stones.  The tears of Thermodon bear the evidence of these ancient mining methods.  These are the mines of the Chalybes5 as recorded in secure ancient text as being of Caphtor6Keftiu7 - Castor8 in the land called Punt, Pont, Pontus,9 Patala10 , and Valhalla,11 in the land of the “setting sun,” and at the “end of the world” on a Sea called the “Great Sea (Lake),”12Great Green Sea (lake),”13 the “Upper Sea (lake),14Puants-Punt-Pont15 -Puans16,” and “Thermodon.”17   By following the endnotes for the previous sentence, reference is given to, surviving First People18 (Eneteian Pelops19) names on 1600 AD and 1700 AD maps, and secure ancient texts from before 1000 BC.  It should be remembered that before 1700 BC the 3 upper Great Lakes were all one lake that modern scholars called the Nipissing Great Lake.20 When the local Menominee,21 Puant22 , and Indian, First People gave the map makers the name Puants Bay and Green Bay23 on the lake they called Puants, (Lake Michigan) at a older time they would have been referring to all of Lake Huron, Lake Superior and Lake Michigan as Puants,24 Green Sea, Punt, or Pont.  The names of some of the first men responsible for having the pure copper torn from the veins of these mines are remembered in the names of the ancient God’s of the Mediterranean, Europe, the Indus Valley cultures and elsewhere.25 Five of the six major temples found by Busch, and used by the followers of these men, have been located simply by going to their locations given in the Busch translation of the Argonautica:  the temples being, the “Temple of the Thunder God”26 at the “Mount of Zeus,” “Temple Grove,”27 “The Rocks of Bell,” and “The Steps of Myrrh.” The Armorica (An old name for the Celtic Brittany before 60 BC.) ruling houses, or families, that profited from the mines of “The Tears of Thermodon” left their name on the entire continent, “America.”28 The Sea People through sustained repeated contact (Contact diminishing at 1400 BC, changing at 60 BC, and ending by 100 AD.) ruled Armorica as Man God leaders, for thousands of years.  In ancient Armorica and the Mediterranean area the earlier name used for the Sea People was “Miners” using an older form of the word “Minoan.” The word itself may have originated from, or been given to the Celtic man Menes,29 who ruled Egypt at 3100 BC and who’s people were in Punt, the Great Lakes Basin at that time.  The “Miners,” or “Minoan” created the first true European civilization in the Mediterranean30 , on the Island of Crete before 2000 BC.  The word Minoan is left to us in the word Minotaur, a word from ancient Greece for the North American nation that are still known as the Minetari and whose chiefs of high standing are still awarded the ceremonial bulls horns of Minotaur fame.  In the Great lakes basin the Miners – Minoan lead people worked the ancient pure copper mines on the Keweenaw Peninsula,31 were there descendants still live today using their name “Menominee.” In what we today call America, it is not surprising that the greatest ancient Armorican Island of the Minoan’s for mining, the sister mines to the “Tears of Thermodon” in the Upper Sea, was still called by the ancient native word “Minong”32 in 1700 AD.  The Island of Minong, which is now called Isle Royal, is famous for thousands of the most ancient copper mines of the human race.33   The word “Minong” is of course the ancient European form of today’s word “mining.”  The word the ancient Greeks used as for themselves was Hellas34 as in the isle of Helena.   Both the Isle of Castor – Caphtor and the Isle of Helena are shown on the same Great Lakes map35 recopied in 1761 AD.  Incidentally, the island of Helena as shown on this 1761 map did not exist at that time: however at that location is the town of St. Ignace whose topography suggests it had to be an Island at the known lower water level before 1700 BC.36   St. Ignace - Helena is at a location mentioned in the Argonautica beside Castle Rock37Carambis38 were the crew spoke to people in their own Mediterranean tongue.
The last Minoan form for fleece shaped copper ingots from Minong, at least 45
39 of which have been found in secure, approximately 1500 BC and earlier, sites, on Crete, have been named “type 1 oxhide ingots.” Ancient Egyptian text record that ingots of this shape came from the “Upper Sea” also called the “Green Sea.”  Busch has not only discovered the Upper Sea and the Green Sea, but also the pure copper mines thereof and many other supporting evidences. 
Matching of trace element analysis is used in the same way as fingerprint matching, and the matching of DNA analysis:
therefore, the Trace Element analysis of all or part of the Ingots from Crete will match the trace element analysis of Great Lake Basin copper mines. Problems that lead to failures in determining sources for copper artefacts by trace element analysis involving Mediterranean and European artefacts40 produced from relatively nearby mines are not likely to be a intercontinental problem, given the vast distances between artefacts and mine, (over the Atlantic) the more pure nature of Lake Superior primary copper, and comparative elemental and quantitative continental trace element differences.  Furthermore large numbers of eastern Atlantic artefacts, if composed of copper from North American sources, could be an unknown problem injuring the past results of sourcing artefacts to eastern Atlantic mines.  The matching analysis will set in place a very slippery slope that will quickly prove that, the ships sailed the seas to and from the heart of Armorica at 1500 BC and before, and all that falls there from: the Busch translation of the Argonautica becomes, as it is, the ancient road maps to and back from the Americas: the basic tenants of Stoahist theory will become the accepted norm along with part of Fell’s diffusionist theory.  Diffusionist theory, as presented before Busch, failed to establish the Man God tradition and use it to apply Diffusionism to the rest of the world.  Gale and others have worked with completed analysis of type 1 fleece shaped oxhide ingots from Crete, but have failed to find their source.41  
This is the trace element analysis of copper from the ancient mines of Punt – Pont on the shores of what is today called Lake Superi

1 Named  Named “The Tears of Thermodon” by the discoverer, Michael Busch, as the ancient mines of Pont – Punt – etc.  The name “Thermodon,” for what we today call Lake Superior, comes to us from his translation of the Ancient Greek text, the Argonautica, as a map to the Americas. (Busch, Veda 7)  (University of California Regents, THE ARGONAUTICA. BOOK II) 
2 “Sea People” is a Mediterranean area word for a people who every few hundred years attacked kingdoms  in and around the Mediterranean and Asia Minor, before during and after 1200 BC.  Reference to them can be found in any good Encyclopedia.  Busch uses the word in the larger context (Starting with the first Celtic people to sail the first ocean going vessel that continued a line of progress uninterrupted to our same naval traditions of today.) derived from discoveries within Stoahist theory.     
3 Larger size, longer life spans, in some cases skin colour, wisdom gained from broader experiences over longer periods of time, trickery with mirrors, telescopes, and hot air balloons, allowed them to pass themselves of as God’s for their own purposes. (Thus, “Man God’s.”)
5 For reference to Chalybes see Works Cited… (University of California Regents. THE ARGONAUTICA. BOOK II.) (Busch, Veda 7)
6 For Caphtor connections to Crete through the Philistines see Jeremiah 47:4, Amos 9:7, Zephaniah 2:5, Ezekiel 25:16, and l Samuel 30:14.  For Ancient Egyptian writings on the copper rich Keftiu – Keftiuland, the islands which are in the Great Sea, the islands in the midst of the sea, and Retnu, and also on Keftiu boats see (Bass, p. 63, 64)
7 For Caphtor connections to Crete through the Philistines see Jeremiah 47:4, Amos 9:7, Zephaniah 2:5, Ezekiel 25:16, and l Samuel 30:14.  For Ancient Egyptian writings on the copper rich Keftiu – Keftiuland, the islands which are in the Great Sea, the islands in the midst of the sea, and Retnu, and also on Keftiu boats see (Bass, p. 63, 64)
8 For Castor see Bellin in work cited
9 For Pontus see: University of California Regents, THE ARGONAUTICA. BOOK II.  In works cited
10 Patala is found in the Vedic Sanskrit writings o f ancient India.
11   For Punt, Pont, Patala, and Valhalla see Busch Veda 3.)
12 For the “Great Sea,” see writings from the tomb of Rekh-mi-re at Thebes.  (Bass, p. 63)
The Champlain Map (Available in the Sault St. Marie Public Library) of 1632 shows Lake Michigan called the “Grand Lake” and has a caption on Lake Superior that translates from the original French as, “Island where there is a mine of copper.”
13 An ancient Egyptian text that from about 1500 BC depicts fleece shaped type 1 oxhide ingots, and states that the ingots came from Keftiu, further stating that Keftiu is on the “Great Green Sea” and on the “Upper Sea.”  (See article entitled Keftiu at http://www.bibbleandscience.comatlantis.htm and at )  The Champlain Map (Available in the Sault St. Marie Public Library) of 1632 shows Lake Michigan called the “Grand (Great) Lake” and has a French caption on Lake Superior that translates to “Island where there is a mine of copper.” 
14 Also see vii.  Lake Superior is named “Upper Lake (Sea)” on a 300-year-old map. (“A General Map of New France Com, called Canada,” about 1700 AD, available in the Little Current, Ontario, Public Library.)  On the same map Isle Royal is called Minong Island, (Being the ancient Sea People word referring to both “the island of the Minoan” and “the island of Mining.”) and the Fox River is called Puants River. (Puants being a reference to a time in the 1700’s AD when Lake Michigan was called on maps by the Ojibwa word Puants Lake from the older word Punt – Pont.)   On another page in the same book containing this map, is a second map showing Green Bay as Bay de Puants, and a red copper ingot of the Tahuglaur with Arabic or East Indian styled characters on one side and animals drawn with a stylized tree upon which is a circle with horns.  Above the drawing of the Ingot is a drawing of the “80 paces” long walled houses and “130 foot long from the prow to stern” boats that carried “200 men” of the Tahuglaur.  The boat drawing by a Mozeemlek Indian is done in a manor to suggest a ship made of timbers.  Ancient Egyptian text from about 1500 BC state that Keftiu is on the “Great Green Sea” and on the “Upper Sea.”  (See article entitled Keftiu at http://www.bibbleandscience.comatlantis.htm)  The Champlain Map (Available in the Sault St. Marie Public Library) of 1632 shows Lake Michigan called the “Grand Lake” and has a caption on Lake Superior that translates from the original French as, “Island where there is a mine of copper.”  Assistance in matching the Tahuglaur with a known eastern Atlantic people would be appreciated by the author.
15 For Sea of Punt at the Steps of Myrrh see translations of the funerary text of the Pharaoh Hatshepsut, at Deir el-Bahari in Egypt, called “The Portico of Punt” from about 1460 BC.
16 For Puans see Le Canada ou Nouvelle France, &c. in work cited.
17 The name “Thermodon,” for what we today call Lake Superior, comes to us from his translation of the Ancient Greek text, the Argonautica, as a map to the Americas. (Busch, Veda 7)  (University of California Regents, THE ARGONAUTICA. BOOK II)
18 A North American term used by the Ojibwa and other nations for themselves.
19 For Eneteian Pelops see University of California Regents, THE ARGONAUTICA. BOOK II. In Works Cited.
20 For Nipissing Great Lakes see Karrow p. 63.  Nipissing Great Lake was the enormous lake that emptied into a river at the foot of Temple Grove before 1700 BC - 2000 BC.  The Greek branch of the Sea People’s name for what is called the Nipissing Great Lake was Euximus Pontus.   For a map of Pontus see Busch p. 11 in Veda 3. The Mississippi, the Kawartha Lakes, the Mattawa, and Niagara Falls took turns draining all the water of Pontus.

21 For Menominee see
22 The Puant Indians (From the Sea People word “Puant” - “Punt”  - “Pont,” that was also handed down in Egypt.) are shown on what we today still call Green Bay. (Sea)  For map see: Pond in Works Cited.
23  Puants Bay and Green Bay are called Green Bay today; made famous by the football team called the Green Bay Packers. 
24 For Puans Bay see Bellin in Works Cited.
25 For names of the first Celt leaders and their children who merged with the first nations of the Armorica, that we today call the first nations of America, see Busch, Veda 1, 2, 3, and 7.  Some of the Sea People names passed down to us were, Zeus who’s followers left the ancient docks, stone circle and foundations at what is today the town of Algoma Mills, Okeanos of the river Okeanos now called the St. Laurence, and Melanippe and Hippolyte of Themiscyreia that we now call Garden River.  On the Garden River the Amazon confederacy still flourishes. (Now called Ojibwa.  Busch Veda 7)
26 The “Temple of the Thunder God” is at Algoma Mills in Ontario.
27 “Temple Grove” is the famous temple, of Greek history, were Jason stole the “Fleece” shaped (Called a Oxhide Ingot today) ingot of Gold from Aietes.
29 For Menes see any good encylopedia.
30 See Gale p. 9 in Works Cited.
31 For the ancient mines of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Wayman in works cited.
32 For Minong see Canada with the adjacent Countries in works cited
33 For ancient mining on Lake Superior see Wayman in works cited.
34 Hellas is a Greek word for the land of the Hellenes, which was used to refer to Greece and its colonies.
35 For Castor (Caphtor) and Helena See A plan of the Straits of St. Mary, and Michilimakinac, etc. in Works Cited. 
36 (Busch Veda 7) (Karrow p.91)
37 For Castle Rock see: Yooper - in the Works Cited.
38 For Carambis see University of California Regents, THE ARGONAUTICA. BOOK II in works cited.  
39 (Bass p. 61)
40 (Gale p. 162)
41 (Gale p. 189)
42 (Gale p. 189)
                                                Trace Element Analysis of
             Thermodon - Lake Superior – Punt – Upper Sea – Green Sea
                                             Primary Native Copper.

The above Analysis
will match that of the type 1 (Aghia Triadha42 ) oxhide ingots from Crete.
Though other ancient copper mines were also in operation, the above analysis will match many Egyptian, Balkan, European, and Mediterranean area artefacts; especially those from secure sights from before 1400 BC when a people called “Long Beards,” brought from Punt, and who put the copper mines on Cyprus into production, continued to operate east of the Atlantic.  The matching analysis of the type 1 oxhide ingot from Crete has been done, but Busch’s search for the raw data has failed, and his requests for information on this continue to fall on deaf ears.  Busch is ill treated, as was
Copernicus in his day, for the same reasons, and in the same way.  The arrogant scholars, who should have supported Copernicus, are as mean spirited as the scholars of today: they both believed they couldn’t be so wrong.
Anyone reading this article is encouraged to help make such a fuss that we will get the matching analysis, and to see it through so that the match can’t be ignored.  When this happens one of the greatest stories of humanity, both ancient and modern will unfold. 
All that was necessary for international
terrorism or corruption in awarding of ice-skating metals at the Olympics, to succeed, was for the good people of the USA to do nothing.  The world underestimated the resolve and integrity of our great neighbour to the south: there is a new wind of freedom and honesty blowing in the world.  People that would hide or suppress trace element analysis, especially of the fleece shaped type 1 oxhide ingots found on Crete that will prove the truth of our great American past must not succeed.  If it is truth it must be given a chance. 
This I have written.

Jason O’Donoghue,     Aka: Michael Busch

Copyright © 2001 by Michael Busch

Hopefully anyone having access to a matching analysis will forward the same to or to Michael Busch, Suite 234, 800 LaSalle Blvd., Sudbury Ontario, Canada, P3A4V4.

Works Cited

A plan of the Straits of St. Mary, and Michilimakinac, (reproduced in The London Magazine 1761). (map), available: Sault St. Marie Public Library
Bass, G. F., 1967, Cape Gelidonya: A Bronze Age Ship Wreck, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. n. ser., 57, 61, 63,

Bellin, Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. (1755). (map), available in Sault St. Marie Public Library

Busch, M.  (2000). The Special Theory of Ancient History, Veda 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7.Greek American History. Sudbury. Available:  Suite 234, 800 Lasalle Blvd., Sudbury, Ontario,
Canada, P3A4V4. p. 29

Canada with the adjacent Countries; exhibiting the late Seat of War between the English & French in those Parts. (1761). (map), available: Sault St. Marie Public Library
  (Bass p. 61)

Gale, N.H. and Zofia A. Stos-Gale, Bronze Age Archeometallurgy of the Mediterranean: The Impact of Lead Isotope Studies. (1989). ISBN 0841214492, first page, p. 162

Karrow, P.F. and P. E. Calkin.  (Ed.) (1984).  Quaternary Evolution of the Great Lakes.  St. John’s:  Geological Association of Canada.  pp. 90, 91, 100, 101, 125, 126, 127

Le Canada ou Nouvelle France, &c. map  (1656).  Paris. Available:  public library for the city of Sault St. Marie, Ont. Canada.  Reproduced from the original (1656), by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. Canada.

Pond, Peter. (1785). Available: public library for the city of Sault St. Marie, Ont. Canada. reproduced in PAC report 1890.

University of California Regents. (Feb. 28, 2000).  THE ARGONAUTICA. BOOK II.  Available: Berkeley Digital Library SunSite. Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #27b.

University of California Regents. (Feb. 28, 2000).  THE ARGONAUTICA. BOOK IV.  Available: Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE. Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #27b.
“Originally written in Ancient Greek sometime in the 3rd Century BC by the Alexandrian poet Apollonius Rhodius ("Apollonius the Rhodian"). Translation by R.C. Seaton, 1912.
The text of this edition is based on that published as "Apollonius Rhodius: Argonautica", edited and translated by R.C. Seaton (Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1912). This edition is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN in the United States.
This electronic edition was edited, proofed, and prepared by Douglas B. Killings (DeTroyes@EnterAct.COM), January 1997.” (University of California Regents)  An excellent translation.

Wayman, Michael L. (1985).  “HISTORICAL METALLURGY NOTES, Native copper: humanity’s introduction to metallurgy? Part 1: occurrence, formation and prehistoric mining.”  CIM, The Metallurgical Society of CIM, August 1985, Toronto, Ontario, p. 67.
Michael L Wayman is with the Department of Mineral Engineering University of Alberta, Edmonton.

Yooper -  (1998 - 2000).  Available:  Castle Rock - St. Ignace Michigan
Aghia Triadha Oxhide Ingots from Crete and Trace Element Match with Ancient Minong Copper Mines
The lake level data is taken from several texts and maps (Especially pages 100 and 101.) in the following book.
Karrow, P.F. and P. E. Calkin.  (Ed.) (1984).  Quaternary Evolution of the Great Lakes.  St. John’s:  Geological Association of Canada.  pp. 100, 101
The rest of the information is supported in my various writings.