A Stoahist Has Arrived
Business as usual: I don’t think so.
By Jason O’Donoghue

The writings of the scientist Copernicus (1473 AD - 1543 AD) on astronomy were ignored and ridiculed during his lifetime.  Sixty years after the death of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo advanced Copernican theories to the forefront were they remain today.  In our modern, fast pace world advances move faster.  Six years after the death of Barry Fell, the diffusionist theories he developed have been advanced by the stoahist theories put forth by Michael Busch.
Busch, who has conducted his diffusionist research in secret since the early 1980’s, recently published.  Using a new conceptual model, “The Special Theory of Ancient History,” Busch drives back the dates of the earliest recorded histories and makes clear an understanding of many ancient American evidences of early contact.

The following are Busch discoveries that have fallen to his theory…

1) Busch is credited with finding the stars on an extensive ancient sky map at an early copper age foundry sight carved into a stone in the bush at Peterborough Ontario. (“Bush Stone”)  The ramifications of the existence of this map are as far reaching as the sight is interesting.

2) Proving of an Iberian (European) text and Arabic text (North African) translation by Barry Fell at the “Bush Stone” in Ontario, Canada gave credence to many of Fell’s other translations.  Fell translated “The original purpose of the carvings as a sky map,” then died before he found the stars amongst the 900 ancient images on the rock surface. Years after Fell’s death, from a totally separate scientific discipline Busch found the stars, in a way that few can question.
3) Busch proved at the Bush Stone that the telescope existed thousands of years earlier than previously thought.

4) The Stoahist theory is credited with finding one of the oldest and most significant sacred temples of ancient humanity.  In ancient Egypt they called this temple, with stone pavements and stairways, the “Steps of Myrh.”  The temple, reminiscent of an ornamental English garden, faces a now dry outlet of Lake Huron that ceased to flow between 2000 BC and 1700 BC. (Date from Karrow P.F. “Quaternary Evolution of the Great Lakes,” page 91.)  The Temple rests on the very shore of the ancient vast body of water, archeologists call the Nipissing Great Lake and ancient Egyptians called Punt

5) From his research Busch has found the definitive location of Punt, a source of wealth recorded in the most ancient dynasties of Egypt.  It is recorded on the shore of Punt is the Steps of Myrrh. (The tobacco most recently discovered with ancient Egyptian Mummies came from North America, and most likely from the Punt region.)  Busch places the Steps of Myrrh and Punt on the Great Lakes.

6) Discovered and deciphered an ancient text carved into the stairways of the temple known as the Steps of Myrrh. The Canadian archeological community recorded the text on Trout Lake, as an image.  The text is a temple dedication to the God Patal using an early form of Italics script.  Busch has named the text in the bush just off what was the ancient river Phasis, "Temple Grove Bush Text."

7) After having discovered the Steps of Myrrh as recorded in the ancient Egyptian Portico of Punt, and other Egyptian text, Busch went on to discover the same temple recorded as Temple Grove in other ancient Greek histories.  This redefined our understanding of what had been considered mythology, now inappropriate for what is, in some mythologies, an extremely accurate detailed eyewitness history.

8) Busch discovered a major map, if not the major map, used during a secondary stage of intercontinental navigation.  This oral map was in use around or before 1700 BC to 2000 BC for journeys from the Mediterranean, through the iceberg fields to north America, into the gulf of Mexico, up the Mississippi, through an ancient dated opening into Lake Michigan, (the Chicago opening) along the North Shore of  what is now Lake Huron, into Lake Nipissing, onto Temple Grove, (now on the side of Trout Lake) back into Lake Huron, down the Kawartha Lake system to Lake Ontario, down the St. Laurence River, past Sable Island, through the pack ice off Newfoundland, and back to Europe.  This ancient Greek map lists all major dangers, significant American peoples, (often using the same names used by these peoples today) major places, directions, landmarks, distances, and food sources to be found along the way.  This map, the Argonautica, tells how to handle the dangers of the icebergs,  (icebergs can be found more than 400 miles south of Newfoundland were the Titanic went down) tornadoes that rip through the Gulf of Mexico and the lower Mississippi, (known as “Tornado Alley”) the fierce Amazon Iroquois confederacy, Sable Island of shipwreck fame, and the pack ice of the Labrador Current.

9) One of Busch’s major accomplishments has been giving a voice to the hither to silent record of ancient American Archeology.  For ancient mariners thousands of mile from home there is nothing like an eye witness account so accurate in detail that one could trust the lives of the entire crew to it.  If the oral map had not been clear and accurate to an extremely high degree the mariners would never have found their way back to pass the map on to us.  That is the accuracy of the Busch translation, of the “Argonautica,” the Ancient Greek map recorded by Greek speaking peoples.  The translation by Busch can be read in his book “The Special Theory of Ancient History.”

10) The stoahist theory solved longstanding mysteries and misconceptions by finding peoples, places, objects and creatures mentioned in Indus Valley, Greek and Egyptian histories. Busch's histories have defined for us words like, Indian, Amazon, Minotaur, Zeus, Patagonians, Herculies and Puntites. Here are but a few peoples and their modern names:       Amazon – the tall, strong of build, Garden River fist nation people near Sault At. Marie,    Minotaur – the Minetari first nation of the Mississippi Valley whose chiefs of high standing wear bulls horns making them appear half bull, Sirens - the tremendously noise of the bird rookeries on Sable Island - Anthemoessa defining it as the ship wreck island, Zeus – a leader (a man) of a very early contact who left his ancient docks and whose descendents left a temple (Temple found, following directions from the Argonautica, by Michael Busch on July 4, 2001, and called by him “Temple of the Thunder God.”) at Algoma Mills, Indian (as in Indus Valley) – The nation called “Indian” west of Green Bay, (named after Indus who also started the Indus Valley Indian culture) Puntites – People living on the shore of the upper Great Lakes Basin, Mossynoeci – Mississauga first nation near Blind River and also meaning Haudenosaunee which is what the Iroquois call themselves, (The Greeks give an elaborate definition of the word Mossynoeci being the same as the definition for Haudenosaunee today.) Paphlagonians - Patagonians living next to Patagonia, Thessaloniki – Thessalon, and Herculies – who originated from the blood lines of a people on Lake Michigan referred to in ancient Egyptian text as the “Bearded Ones,” and the blood line of the Amazon Iroquois (In ancient Egypt with the “Bearded Ones” were in Punt with the “Snakes,” which is a term still used by the Ojibwa for the Iroquois – Amazon.)

11) Like the Rosetta Stone, the Busch translations will allow the translation of other ancient text in which reference is made to ancient North American places and peoples.  The stoahist theory has contributed the main place names in North America used by ancient eastern Atlantic cultures. Here are but a few such place names found by Busch: Acheron – Mississippi, Pont – Punt – Patala - Valhala -upper Great Lakes region, Ister River – Kawartha Lakes system, “sea-beaches where The Bronze Anvils of Hephaestus are smitten” – Picturesque rocks on post cards in the Sea on the shore of Nova Scotia, Phasis – now dried up Nipissing outlet of the Great Lakes, Carambis – Castle Rock, Aegialus – Lake Michigan, Themiscyre – city near Sault St. Marie, “Towers of” – stockades around Iroquois style villages, Isle of Aries – Manitoulin Island, sand plain of Doeantian – flat land east of Sault St. Marie, Halys River - St. Mary’s River, Mead of Thrinacia – Western Atlantic icebergs and pack ice of the Labrador current, and Thermodon – Lake Superior.

12) Busch discovered a major home and copper rich power base of a people referred to by ancient historians and in ancient texts of Ireland, Greece, Egypt, etc. as the “Sea People.” During the copper age the Sea People – Manito – Bearded Ones controlled the distribution of the abundant pure copper of the massive ancient mines on Isle Royal and the Keweenaw Peninsula. The Pharos, Perseus, Quetzalcoatl, Tuatha de Danainn, Dagda, the Manitou, etc. were of the Sea People in bloodline (but not their subjects) and common method of operation. As recorded in the ancient text of India, “They usurped the thrones of the world,” at the earliest recorded histories of significant large cultures the Sea People were at some time their leaders and the impetus behind culture formation.

13) Busch and Wayne May reintroduce the
ancient pure copper mines on Isle Royal and the Keweenaw Peninsula to the world for what they are.  Busch showed the ancient mines to be Sea People mines.

) Busch discovered the Ister River – Kawartha Lakes route that Punt – Great Lakes Basin copper took on it’s way to fuel and influence the copper ages of Europe, North Africa, and India.  The other copper rout was through the Chicago opening before it closed and later overland to the Mississippi from Green Bay. (That is why some of the Long Beards - Hebrew – “People that crossed over” returned to an ancestral home before and shortly after the destruction of their civilization by the Roman Tenth Legion in 70 AD.  (See Ancient America volume 4, issue 30.)  Busch has found a book written by Blackbird – Mack-aw-de-be-nessy, (of the Ottawa First Nation) from the 1887 that may record what happened to some of the Long Beard people.  In hind site, it is not good to throw coals from a fire at a failed Ottawa war party seeking rest amongst friends.)

) Busch has discovered the location of docks, stone mines, metal mines, alters, stone paint pigment manufacturing bowls, copper smelting tools, ancient text, dolmens, etc. Busch does not know how to go cap in hand to anyone; so he waits for someone to come to him to help make what he says will be the greatest documentary of all time.

) There is much more on which Busch has already published.  Busch claims to be holding back on his greatest find, the same way a poker player sometimes keeps an Ace in the whole in case his hand is called.
From the above it is clear that the work of Busch goes beyond physical discoveries that require a new understanding of the interactions of peoples in ancient history.  It is the lack of this understanding that prevented the acceptance or even for some, the logical comprehension of Fell’s discoveries.  It is Busch’s advancement of the understanding of interactions between ancient peoples, and discovering the pivotal role played by the “Sea People” that transcend diffusionism. 
What the field of astronomy experienced after Copernicus, is similar to the start of the pyridine shift brought about by diffusionist theories that challenge our understanding of ancient North American histories?  The stoahist theories, like the writings of Galileo that forced mainstreaming of Copernican theories, force mainstreaming of the pyridine shift which is diffusionism. 
History has proven when opponents of stoahism can best argue their case by conceding to and then using arguments from diffusionism, that is what they will do.  It is Busch’s opinion that to argue against stoahism using the school of thought from the 1800’s and continued through the early to mid 1900’s, is soon found, by most, to be unsupportable irrational and absurd. 
The stoahist theory ushers in a perhaps greater pyridine shift, challenging our understanding of part of what had been or is perceived as being ancient world history.  “Before 2000 BC, and in many places for a long time after, most (if not all) major ancient cultures were started and lead by a singular people having a common language, purpose, and general method of operation.” (Busch) 
Weary and battle scared diffusionists who have toiled for decades like Busch, May, the late Barry Fell, Cyrus Gordon, and others, having won, will find little comfort or rest in a new call to arms.  The voice of, “Ancient American,” stirs, and calls upon the wind, as did the ancient Celt pipes before battles of old.
“If stoahism be sound; then hear the pipes blow, draw in your halyards, and set your sails, as did Hiram, to the 4 winds of the world.  The wind is high: the time is right: and all is on the hazard.” (Busch)
A Stoahist (Greek arch. word Stoa meaning portico or porch of a temple.) is a diffusionist standing at a new intellectual doorway prepared for the understanding and exploring of the past: the same way the ancient Egyptian text, written on a temple porch, called the “Portico of Punt,” opened a new door of understanding for Michael Busch.

Copyright © 2001 by Michael Busch
Permission to reprint or publish the above article entitled “A Stoahist has Arrrived:” owned by myself is granted for
free by Michael Busch to anyone for any legal purpose. I am retaining copyright on the above article written under the pen name of Jason O’Donoghue. It has been and will be offered to others for publication.  (It would be appreciated if I was sent an E-mail telling were it has been printed or used. Thank you.)