A Stoahist takes on
      "Protesters" and "Diffusionists"

y Jason O’Donoghue

The same prevailing school of thought that
Copernicus fought in 1515 AD dictated the way humanity perceived the universe and the way we still perceive the ancient histories of the Americas today!
The Europeans of 1600AD did not have astronomy, medicine, or alchemy right so why should we think they had ancient history right!
Given the evidences that have been presented since 1600 AD; Wake…. Up….. and smell the coffee.

In the 1980,s along comes the diffusionists led by
Barry Fell with "Diffusionist" theory that claim most every Tom Dick and Harry nation that developed independently, (??) and many of whom did not have seaworthy ships, visited the Americas and left ancient writings, art, stone works, customs, architecture and linguistic evidences from European African, and Asian origins!
Diffusionists would have us believe that sometime about the start of the European dark ages everyone, of the many independent peoples they claim journeyed to the Americas, pulled up stakes and, for all practical purposes, high tailed it for home or disappeared into the North American gene pool!
Why do diffusionists, while opposing singular origins for the America’s insist on singular origins for Europe, Africa, and Asia? It seems to me the fault does not lie with Diffusionism but with Diffusionists themselves not having enough faith in their own theory to break free of systemic conservatism that plagues the "Protesters." (Protesters - against Diffusionism.)
Yes: an ancient international conspiracy by independent fleets from dozens of unrelated nations claiming independent origins to go to then to abandon a continent abounding in gold, copper and other resources.  If you believe that I have some swamp land in southern Florida to sell you.

Then In 2000 along comes
Michael Busch, an alarm service technician publishing 13 years of study and research, and wants to set it all straight: yah right. In his book and his papers he proposes, backing up his suppositions with hard evidence, that a singular people ancient historians called the "Sea People," being the first people to take to seaworthy ships continuing in the same navel traditions of today, contacted the diverse evolutionary branches of humanity for the first time. This occurred before and after the mound was built in Newgrange Ireland, at 3200BC. That the Celtic, Sea People moved in with foreign cultures, worldwide. The Sea People used longer life spans, (the kind we have today in the industrialized countries) skin color, their size, their floating islands (ships) that they sailed on through the clouds, (billowing sails caught in the wind) their ability to speak to animal, (when the dogs jumped from the ships barking they told them to sit or heal) trickery with mirrors and telescopes, the fact that they came through the stars, (navigated using stars as a path to and from destinations) treachery, an unlimited supply of pure Lake Superior copper, (Unlimited copper during the copper age would have been like a licensee to print money today.) costumes, and their greater diplomatic experiences to pass themselves off as Gods. Over thousands of years and on different continents the Sea People fought amongst themselves over these cultural possessions to the point of twice attacking Egypt as recorded by Herodotus and other ancient historians. The Sea people maintained this ManGod tradition by navel power until their last massive fleet was destroyed off Armorica by Julius Caesar in 55 BC. (As recorded in Caesar’s book III called De Bello Gallico.) Though the army of Rome dominated on land, hatred for her spawned by generations of naval warfare made it impossible for her to exist in the Armoricas, the possessions of the Celtic Armoricans. The failure of Rome to move into intercontinental trade, the construction of Hadrian’s Wall after 122 AD, and Rome’s defeat in Ireland (recently found failed landing site)point to continued resistance by the Celts long after Armorica fell. Continuos pressure on the Celts by Rome for practical purposes ended three millenium of a mostly singular intercontinental naval contact in leadership and ownership (Ownership by Sea People and Sea People operating on different continents as ManGod leaders such as the Pharos of Egypt) though diverse in the nationality of the crews and origins of the ships. Busch proposes and presents convincing evidence that during their reign these Brythonic (Brythonic being the ancestral Celtic - Keltic language of the ancient Cimric – Breton and ancient Gaedhilic – Gaelic languages.) speaking people, started most ancient writings, art, stone works, customs, and architecture. Busch proposes in their international travels the Armoricans and other Celtic Sea People left the evidences in the Americas that Diffusionists point to and confound the Protesters of diffusionist theory. As an example, early experimental writing techniques would not only be found in areas were they were successful, but also on other continents where the same character sets were tried by the Sea People ManGod leaders. (Example: that is why the hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt are related to the hieroglyphs of the Micmac. (Fell))

Stoahist theory is the only one that works: but Protesters (of diffusionism) don’t be tricked into studying stoahism or applying it for your own purposes: remember no one listened to Galileo or Copernicus during their lifetimes either.
Diffusionists this is too simple and the ramifications too big; so let us hide our heads in the sand and maybe change will go away. The Diffusionists should remember what the Protesters (of diffusionism) did to them and do the same to Busch.

There is a major aggravating problem with stoahist theory: Busch keeps using his
Ancient Greek Argonautica translation (An extensive eye witness account of, and a full travel guide for voyages through the Americas at 2000 BC.) and his knowledge of ancient history, at an ever increasing rate to find ancient sites or to explain, in simple terms, that which has mystified scholars. If we can’t stop him by execution as we did to Socrates then lets put him under house arrest like we did to Galileo or perhaps ridicule and ignore him like we did to Fell. We have to do something to prove that as a species we have evolved past dragging our knuckles on the ground: don’t we? If only someone will suggest how we can attack Busch’s credentials without having to explain how it is he managed international success with his simple working theory from the top of stepladders when we can’t from behind plush desks in ivory towers, and with the silver spoon of a formal education in our mouths.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone gave
Busch a chance. He isn’t even a marine biologist like Fell, nor a patent clerk like Einstein: but of all things just a lowly service technician! I guess we can thank our lucky stars he has to pull wire and fix alarms 40 hours a week to feed his family.  He is a man working hard at his own expense to make the world a better place but if we all continue to work together we can take him: maybe, well perhaps, ok - but we can at least try.

As a result of the above article an Editor of a magazine asked Busch if he was a Diffusionist.

Diffusionist theory was mostly started and led by the late Barry Fell the same way early followers of Copernicus espoused Copernican theory. 
The world stands still for no one: as they must Copernican theories fell to that which advanced them, the theories of Galileo.  To say Galileo was not a follower of Copernicus is as wrong as to say Busch, who advanced the works of Fell, is not a follower of Fell’s Diffusionist theory.

Copyright © 2001 by Michael Busch
Permission to reprint or publish the above article entitled “A Stoahist takes on "Protesters" and "Diffusionists"” owned by myself is granted for free by Michael Busch to anyone for any legal purpose. I am retaining copyright on the above article written under the pen name of Jason O’Donoghue. It has been and will be offered to others for publication.  (It would be appreciated if I was sent an E-mail telling were it has been printed or used. Thankyou.)
Link:  Mark K. Stengel writes on Barry Fell in an article, "The Diffusionists Have Landed"