Biker Mice? Primer Who's Who Where...? Gadgets and Gizmos BM Voice Cast

A series with science fiction trappings like "Biker Mice" (you know, the whole "aliens from other planets living on Earth" thing?) is bound to be packed with all kinds of interesting gadgets and gizmos, and it is. From exotic spaceships to high-powered motorcycles to sunglasses with a surprising secret, there exists a wide variety of advanced technology in the world in which our characters do battle. Not every single piece of machinery that ever appeared in "Biker Mice" is represented here--Karbunkle must have used 200 different remote controls for the Transporter in the course of the show, and I have no intention of being quite that thorough. So what you see represented here is not all of the assorted gadgets, but a majority of the ones that really stood out. More will be added as time permits. In the meantime, browse through what's here, and maybe learn a thing or two about some of the tech on the show that you didn't already know.

Vehicles and Transportation

From there to here, from here to there, how do you get from point A to point B in the world of "Biker Mice?" There's a ton of options, from rip-roaring motorcycyles to gigantic spaceships to galaxy-wide teleporters! Take whichever you want, but make sure you fill up the tank before you bring it back.


George Washington once said, "I heard the whistle of the bullets, and believe me, there is something charming in the sound." Well, there aren't any bullets per se in "Biker Mice", but they do have lasers and a couple of other interesting forms of armaments that even a dead president would appreciate!

Misc. Gadgets and Gizmos

If it's tech, and it doesn't fit into the other two categories, then it's here under the miscellaneous heading. Includes Throttle's field specs (a most unusual pair of glasses) and Martian bike helmets.

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