Now I know you're asking yourself: why is there a picture of Throttle's butt in the links banner? Answer: Do you really need a reason? It's his ass, for God's sake! Now that I've got that out of my system... With my new focus on "Biker Mice", I thought it only fitting that I return to a page of strictly Biker Mice links. So here they are! I've restricted it to my person favorites, and have seperated the links into three categories: Information/General, FanWorks and Shrines, and (Marginally) Mouse-Related Pages. But once you're finished wandering, come back here, okay? And, if you would, why not link from Mars? Check out this page for buttons and banners.
Now you know...and knowing is half the battle! Unoffical Biker Mice from Mars Fan Club The single greatest resource for everything Biker Mice. Besides featuring a huge library of Biker Mice images (including screen shots, line art, and original model sheets), the Unofficial Biker Mice from Mars Fan Club also hosts the largest collection of Biker Mice FanFiction and FanArt in existence. Plus, the Message Board is a great place to get to know your fellow fans. Go here first. World of Nikata Nikata's page is one of the finest for everything Biker Mice, not just facts. He's undertaken the herculean task of creating a library of Biker Mice technological information, writes FanFiction, made the first Biker Mice desktop theme, and even has a colleciton of multimedia movie files available for download! Nikata's latest effort is the Biker Mice Writer's Competition, dedicated to getting new Biker Mice fans to create FanFics. Talk about community spirit! Kitty "T's" Mammajammer BMFM Page One of the first pages (after the above-named page) to feature a great deal of Biker Mice info in addition to FanFiction and FanArt (most pages are the exact opposite). Kitty's page also has a BMFM webpage award you can win and a monthly trivia contest. Lania's Biker Mice Supporter Page Well, Lania's page doesn't have much information per se (although she does have an excellent list of all sixty-five episodes with brief summaries for each), but what it does have is some really hilarious articles, like "Everything I Need to Know I Learned From Watching Biker Mice" and the original "You Know You Like Biker Mice Too Much When..." list. Pazsaz Entertainment's Biker Mice Page While Pazsaz's page is pretty sparse on any character information, it does include two excellent technical resources: a list of (some of) the voice actors for Biker Mice, and a complete table of all 65 episodes and their original airdates (where I got that info for my Episode Guide page).'s Biker Mice Episode Listing Like Pazsaz's page above, a listing of every single episode in their original order with airdates.
Labors of love Online Archives of Variable Names (formerly by.the.way., formerly the Decembergirl Archives, etc. ^^) I think it's pretty safe to say that DG was probably the best (and if not the best, then right up there) Biker Mice FanArtist on the web. Now her attentions have turned to anime (particularly "Slayers"), and fantasy, but most of her BM fanart and fiction (she's the amazing and prolific writer best known for the popular Survivor's Log saga) are still available. She's got vision, that girl. Hayden's Biker Mice from Mars Page Hayden (not the classical-era composer; that's Haydn) is one of my very best bros, but that's not why I'm listing her here. She gets a spot on this page because she's a damn fine writer. I've always loved her "Blood Ties" stories. She's also the #1 Rimfire fan on the planet! The Sailors Arms Does anybody know what happened to Princess's page? I miss it. Where else on the web could you find Biker Mice slash? Nakira's Den Remember how I said that if DG wasn't the best Biker Mice FanArtist on the web, she was definitely tied for the title? Well, this is the guy she's tied with. Nakira (or Wookie, if you prefer) is an outstanding anthropomorphic artist. His representations of established characters (such as our heroes) are spot-on accurate, and look as though they've stepped right out of the TV, except for the fact that they're naked (as female fans will sadly testify, the mice were never naked on the show). Fabulous work and attention to detail. Quigley Field One of the older Biker Mice sites (and definitely the one with the best name), Jessie's page features her own fanart, fanfiction, filk songs, and the largest Biker Mice links page in known existence (dude, why did it take me so long to link to here?). The Great Modo Page Okay, so Modo isn't my favorite mouse (Stoke-san, daisuki daisuki!), but it's great to see a (really good) fan tribute to the gray-furred momma's boy. He certainly deserves one. Some nice stuff here, particularly the "Myths About Modo" page (good reasoning and fact-checking, Mize-chan, although I might argue the point about the bionic eye thing^^). Alternate Base 14 Dude, I gotta give props to a Freedom Fighters fan (especially when her page has five different pics of Stoker).^^ Red Ogress has a special comic in the works (the self-effacing comments on the art are both humorous and humanizing), and a pretty massive collection of BM fanart and fanfiction. Carbo's Place Whaddaya know? A shrine dedicated to Carbine and Throttle! Nifty! Aside from really nice fanart of the couple, Carbo boasts screencaps, a large collection of sounds (including some that can't be found anywhere else), and a nifty animated GIF on top of the page. Yeah, I'm a sucker for cool animated GIFs.
??? The Secret of NIMH Archives For those of you not aware, there is a subtle connection between Biker Mice and Don Bluth's classic animated film other than the fact that they're both populated by sentient mice. Peter Strauss, the voice of Stoker on Biker Mice (bow down and worship him!!!) also did the honors for NIMH's Justin (again, bow down and worship him!!!). This page is the compendium for everything NIMH, including a selection of rare articles about the movie. Station 8--Gargoyles Biker Mice will always be my favorite (American) animated series, but Gargoyles comes in at a very close second. Station 8 features the usual fansite stuff--images, video clips (temporarily down, though), and a forum--but goes a step beyond with a weekly commentary from series creator/producer Greg Weisman. You can find out all kinds of trivia about the show, including extensive notes on what would have happened had the series continued (and man oh golly, did this boy have plans!). CGIWN This page is absolutely hilarious, although definitely NOT for minors (unless they've seen Kevin Smith's films, in which case they're already prepared for what they'll see here). Hilarious.