God's Precious Children Banner

Song Playing is called "God Bless The Children"


God's Precious Children

Children Pic

Little children peeking out their windows
So afraid of life and what it brings.
They don't know they should be protected;
All they know is the things they've seen.
Outside their window rain drops are falling
Touching everything that God has made.
In heaven above their angels are weeping
As they come before God's throne night and day.
Little children!
Little children!
Did you know someone is praying.
Little children!
Little children!
In this great big world you're not alone.

You see in heaven above you have a family
Whose heart is being broken just like yours.
God only loaned you for a season;
You're the reason Jesus the cross endured.

Little children your tears are so precious
That every teardrop is written in God's book.
God wants to turn those tears into laughter
With a rejoicing sound like a bubbling brook.

A. Galloway 5/9/94

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