Page ON
E    "My Garden"     
Nurture vs. Nature

"Not Where We Live"
                         That imaginary relationship we all wish we had is not depicted in this song

Page TWO          "The Ultimatum"                
He's gotten up on the wrong side of the bed for a while-she loves him anyway

  "She's Got Baggage"
    A warning to all the men looking through beer goggles

Page THREE   "Candy Necklaces"
  Dedicated to my best friend, Debbie Johnson,  (Feb.22, 1970 ~ Oct. 05, 1999)
                          Victim of domestic violence


Page FOUR       "Ellie"   
   Summer of 1970-something.......

   "Show Me the Way"  
  The struggle of some women

Page FIVE        "Mid-life Blues Song"
    Mid-life crisis, & a Harley--need I say more?

   "Let's Hurry Up & Do It"
  A common-law couple, a strategically placed beer, bird dogs, & a Harley....

Page SIX        "She's Still My Mama"  
   Every country album must include at least one song about Mama.

   "Long Cold Winter"  
   A lost child..............

Page SEVEN    "Followin' My Heart" 
            A woman who thinks she can find love on icy roads...

   "Let Me Love You " 
             A man with good intentions & poor time management.

Page EIGHT    "The Love Chapel"
               The true story of my wedding day--NO LIE!!!

Page NINE       "The Visit"
  She missed the wagon that everyone else is ridin'

   "Meggy Cheyenne"
  The hippy & the preacher

Page TEN          "Don't Make Me Laugh"
  A please don't come back song...

   "Why Don't Ya See...(If She'll Take You Back)"
  Wife playing match maker between her husband & his mistress

Page ELEVEN      "I Ain't Built Like A Fencepost"
  Ever been married to a rancher?

                       "The Benefit of My Doubt"
  Hopelessly devoted or a glutton for punishment--you decide...

Page TWELVE "Shoulda Stayed Home"
                             Last call regrets

Page THIRTEEN "Concrete Rain"
  September 11, 2001

   "Maybe I Wanted Too Much"
Waking up is a good thing...

                        "Stranded In Heaven"
  Wish things were like they used to be...

Page SIXTEEN      "It Won't Go Away"
                                      This is reality folks.......
Christmas Song
Page 15                
"Need To Believe"
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