Beyblade Bios

Tyson is more or less the Hero of the group and is a real team player.  He’s constantly nagging Kai about being such a stick in the mud, AKA a party pooper.  He has an appetite that could rival Sailor Moon’s any day of the week, and seems to get hyper from the whole BeyBlade experience.  Tyson doesn’t always think things through which at times gets into trouble, but he’s basically an all around good guy.


  Max is an unusually happy child and always has a positive outlook on any situation. (Not to mention he’s really cute. ^_^) He’s mostly considered to be smart, but he does have his blond moments, which are hilarious.  Also this cutie has a vast knowledge of BeyBlades and can build one from scratch in no time.  But then again what do you expect, his dad owns a hobby shop.


  Kenny is more or less the brain of the group; of course Dizzy would disagree with me on that.  He and Dizzy do make a great team, especially when it comes to making BeyBlades.  Kenny may be the nerd of the group but he is an essential character, without his knowledge of BeyBlade stats Tyson would probably get into some sticky situations.


  Kai, or the Ice Man as I like to call him, shows no emotion and makes it a point not to hang out with his fellow Blade Breakers.  I think that part of the reason Kai is so standoffish is because of the way he was raised by his grandfather, who is more or less an old version of Kai.  I mean think about it, both seem to have an icy personality, and never show any sign of emotion, especially love.  Kai is basically your regular anime good guy, who has a heart of ice.  But towards the end of the series he seems to melt a little toward his team-mates.  And in V-Force he's even closer to them.


  Ray seems to be everyone’s best friend, from his fellow Blade Breakers to his old teammates the White Tigers (after they made up that is).  Ray is basically the kind of guy you would want on your side.  He’s dependable, strong, smart, and just an all around good guy.  Kind of like Tyson, except more dependable, and he doesn’t like to eat every other hour or so.


  Dizzy is Kenny’s BitBeast.  The poor girl got zapped into his laptop during a freak power surge, and is now stuck there.  She’s a bit sassy, but then I would be too if I were in her position.  Dizzy really is a great help to Kenny.  If she wasn’t there to help him upgrade the guys’ blades who would?  And according to rumors I've heard she's an owl.
copyright caliko_cat 2005
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