The Little Lamp – part 2


by the Story Making Mother


an site



A tiny, bright little lamp stood on a shelf in a baby’s room. She was high up on a shelf and made the baby smile. Later, the baby began walking, and the lamp watched the child come into the room and leave. For years, the baby kept the lamp busy.

The lamp watched the baby grow into a big kid, and then the big girl grew into a teenager. The teen played loud music in the room and used perfume and hair spray. The smell was strong and the lamp did not like it, but still the tiny little lamp was happy to be busy.

Later, the teenager was gone all the time. She always said, "I have to go to practice." The lamp did not like practice, because it meant that she would be all alone with nobody in the room for a long, long time.

The lamp sat by herself and got bored. Then, she got angry. "Nobody needs me,” she said. “I bet they wouldn't even notice if I stopped working!" That night, the lamp decided to stop shining.

When the teenager got back from practice, the lamp didn't work. She went to sleep in the dark and the lamp was glad. “That’s what she gets for ignoring me!”

Next morning, the teenager and her mom began to talk about the lamp. "It didn't work last night, Mom. It's no big deal. I'll bring in the floor lamp from the den. Just put the little lamp into a box while I’m away at college." Mom smiled and kissed the teenager. Their talk was finished.

When the girl was gone, Mom walked all over the room, touching everything. Finally, she picked up the tiny little lamp and rubbed its bright shade gently. "You haven't been dusted in a while. I'll take care of that before I put you away."

Mom dusted the lamp and wrapped her in newspaper. Then, she boxed up the little lamp. It was dark in there and the lamp felt sad.

The lamp was sorry now for complaining. She knew that Mom loved her, even if the teenager had forgotten her, but it was too late. She had stopped shining, and so she had lost her value. Now, she would stay locked up in darkness -- maybe forever. In the dark, lonely box, she began to cry.

"Little one," God said to the lamp. "Why are you crying?" She sobbed and then said, "I'm not going to be used. You know that by being bright lights in the darkness, I was serving humans. That is a lamp's biggest joy. I forgot, though, and I complained. Now, I'm locked up in darkness." God chuckled softly.

"Oh, my poor little one, don't be sad. You see, this rest will do you good. It will remind you of your purpose and help you to endure much hardship later. For now, just rest. You will need your strength for what's ahead." The lamp stopped crying and began to smile. "Okay, God. I'll wait. Just knowing I'll be used again someday makes me feel braver." Then, she fell asleep.

One day, the lamp woke up from a long, long rest. The box was being opened! Finally, it was time! People needed her.

"Remember this lamp?" a voice asked. It was Mom. She sounded quieter, and tired. "Oh, look at it. It's still pretty! One day, it stopped working. Can we fix it?" Mom's voice spoke again and answered, "Well, let’s plug it in and see."

They put the lamp on a counter and plugged it into the wall. Happily, the tiny little lamp shined her brightest. They both smiled at her and said, "Yes, that will do just fine." They put her in a laundry basket, right on top of other things from other boxes, and then they carried the basket into a car.

When the car drove away, the lamp was a bit sad. Mom wasn't going with them. But then, she knew the other person, too. It was the teenager -- big and grown up. She was a woman now.

When they got to a new house, the woman carried the lamp into a room where there were three baby cribs. She was happy when the woman put her on a shelf in that pretty room. Now, life was going to be busy again, and she could be a helper. Hurray!

Two days later, three babies arrived, one for each crib. The parents loved the babies and they spent a lot of time in the room feeding the babies and cuddling them. The lamp was there every day.

Later, the babies learned to walk. When they bumped into tables, some other lamps in the house were put in a box to keep them from breaking, but the tiny little lamp stayed on a shelf high above the babies, keeping watch over them. She lit the room as they lived, laughed, and grew.



The Silly Little Lamp - part 1

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