.M . . . .G . . . .C . . . .L . . . .Y
.A . . . . I . . . .A . . . .L
On a dark night, Sam had a dream. In this dream, Sam was really small and very alone. Nobody was around, and it was dark.
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Sam found himself in a strange place, standing on a slippery hill. His feet felt weird--he couldn't feel them. He realized that he also felt very wet! Oh my! It was not water! What was this stuff?
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Then Sam felt something slide off of his head and into his mouth. Ew! And then he realized what it was! Wow! Sam was covered with pudding! Chocolatey and sweet! Mmm... How did I get here? What happened? He thought he must be dreaming.
Get back there by
Somehow, though, Sam decided it wasn't a dream. The pudding felt too real, and it tasted just like the ones he got out of the refrigerator at home. If he had been dreaming, it would have marshmallows in it. And suddenly, it DID have marshmallows in it.
Sam decided that if it was a dream, he might as well enjoy it, so he began to eat. Mmm... It was wonderful! And he had been SO hungry. He ate and ate, and since it was a dream, he didn't get a belly ache.
It's amazing what a simple
But then suddenly, he was in pain! It hurt so much that he thought he must be awake. It made him want to cry, and to use the bathroom. Hey, what is this! I'm in a dream! It's not supposed to hurt to eat too much!
Sam figured that even if this was a dream, he needed to go to the bathroom--quick! He grabbed his stomach and tried to get up and find a door. Instead, he fell over a toy truck.
can do!
What is this? There was pudding here a second ago! Besides, falling in a dream is not supposed to hurt. He got up, reached out his hand, and felt a light switch. Lights came on, and he saw that he was back in his room--and he still had to use the bathroom!

Sam ran to the bathroom, and then he remembered that he had been drinking lots of soda before bed, and he had been in the mood for pudding. The pain that too much soda made in his belly had been part of his dream about the pudding he had been craving. And the toy truck he didn't put away before bed had tripped him! ~The End~

Or, if you like, you may keep reading further for a special, surprise story!

M A G I C A L !!! F L I G H T

On a damp, ugly day, Chris was bored. He was homeschooled this year, and his friends were all in a classroom, far away from him. And though he was glad to be out of school, he was sorry to be alone on this rainy day. Even his mom was gone today, and his dad was sleeping after working all night.

Suddenly, Chris heard a knock on the door. It was his friend, Hunny Bunny. Everyone called her that, and she was really that sweet, too. He let her inside, and then his adventures began.

Hunny Bunny took his hand and said, "Let's go!" Then, before he knew what was happening, he was flying--really flying!--through the roof of his house, and out into the sky!

Chris got a bit scared now. He asked, "Is this magic?" She only winked at him and kept bringing him higher and higher. They went through a cloud, and it felt wet and warm, like a dog's lick. They flew even higher, and Chris was afraid they would run out of oxygen.

"Will we be able to breathe when we get up there?" She smiled and simply said, "Trust me." Then, she pulled him hard, they went even faster, and soon, he had broken through an invisible blue barrier into--Where were they?

"Is this Heaven?" he asked. She said, "You can see for yourself. There are some rules, though, so be careful." He nodded, eager to go exploring. She told him, "Don't jump into the water." He agreed, and she let go of his hand.

All around him were angels, children in bright clothes, and beautiful adults in white robes. No one looked sad, and everyone was busy doing something. One kid asked him to come play ball with him, but Chris wanted to keep walking. He couldn't wait to see the water.

When he got to a lake, the water was clear--totally clear. In fact, he could see every detail of the fish, the colorful rocks on the bottom of the lake, and even the particles of sand. It was beautiful. He drank some, and it was good.

Excited, he took off his shirt, eager to swim. There were kids in the water already, and they all told him to come inside the lake. He pulled off his shoes and jumped. When he landed, he was sitting by the window of his living room, staring out at the rain.

"That's why I was not supposed to jump into the water," he said. "I'm sorry I did it. I was having fun." Then, his dad walked into the room. "What are you saying, Chris? Where were you having fun? You have been snoring so loud there by the window that you woke me up. You were dreaming!"

Chris thought about that--it may have been a dream, but it sure was magical!

This story is over, but the magic isn't.
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