Dear Friends, I have been reflecting on the latest Kennedy saga, and the article in the Daily Telegraph [21/07/99] headlined "14 seconds of terror on Kennedy plane". Reflecting, because 42 years ago I found myself in almost exactly Kennedy's situation, with my wife, several thousand feet up, not over water but over jungle in a plane going rapidly out of control in weather that rendered me, as an inexperienced pilot with a few more hours solo time than Kennedy, incompetent to handle the disorientation that inevitably goes along with instrument flying inexperience. As the "terror" multiplied I had only one recourse. To pray. Extraordinarily, and in today's spiritual climate I understand considerable scepticism, there was a rational internal response to my desperate "O God, help me". That internal Voice said "Take your hand and feet off the controls". I argued "But that will mean suicide" The Voice replied in words that have been imprinted on my mind like the words on Moses' tablets "Unless you get out of the driving seat and allow Me to take control, you have no future either in this life or in the next" It was "terror" multiplied and I released the controls. Anybody knowing something about flying will immediately recognise the wisdom of doing so, at that stage beyond my personal knowledge. But our saga didn't end there. As the small radio-less, 4-instrumented Auster righted itself slowly, I began to once again assume control. But again, the Voice was clear in my mind "Do not look at the instruments, look ahead" I said "But there is nothing out there except cloud and rain." There was silence. And I looked. What I saw blew my mind, and later reminded me of the saga of the Red Sea crossing. I saw ahead the dark clouds parting ahead of the aircraft and rolling away both right and left, and as I looked through, the lovely green of the jungle thousands of feet below. From darkness to life. As we dived through that blessed gap, down below the clouds, I remember looking up and back. No gap. Just solid rain filled clouds. As we trundled along the deserted jungle airstrip, I thought "Why me" ? Many years later after another surrender, this time to His Son, I thought I understood. Yes Lord, just pure undeserved grace. Mary thinks so too ! |