Super Solid Numbers
These are notes with 'Full-House' same digits, i.e A/66 666666 (eight 6s) or A/11 111111 (nine 1s) as Alphabet A represent the digits 1. These notes are very rare and is getting very popular nowadays.  
Singapore 'Bird' Series $5 with serial number A/66 666666.
This is the only piece available for 'Bird' Series $5 with (eight 6s) as the last prefix for 'Bird' $5 end at A/85. Only A/6 666666 (seven 6s) and A/66 666666 (eight 6s) is available.
Singapore 'Ship' Series $5 with serial number A/66 666666.
A perfect match with the above 'Bird' Series $5 A/66 666666. Also one piece available for 'Ship' Series $5 with (eight 6s) as the last prefix for 'Ship' $5 end at B/43.
Singapore 'Ship' Series $1 with serial number B/33 333333.
Amazing 'Full-House' Solid 3. Only 3 pieces available for (eight 3), i.e A/33 333333, B/33 333333 or C/33 333333. Unfortunately last prefix of 'Ship' $1 ends at prefix D/20, therefore there is no D/33 333333 available.
Singapore 'Ship' Series $1 with serial number C/99 999999.
Same as above, only 3 pieces available for (eight 9).
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