Name: _________________________________________  M______  F_________
Date of Birth:      Day ____. Month___________________  Year ___
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Postal Code: _________________    Telephone: ____________________________
Provincial Health Number: ______________________________________________

Mother's Name: ____.________________  Father's Name: ______________
Business Telephone Numbers:   Mother: _.____________ Father: _______
Person to contact in case of accident or emergency, if parents are not available
Name: __________________________  Telephone: __________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Doctor's Name: _______________________   Telephone: ______________
Dentist's Name: _______________________   Telephone: ______________

Please circle the appropriate response below pertaining to your child:

*Previous history of concussions ________________   YES                NO
*Fainting episodes during exercise _______________    YES                NO
*Epileptic ________________ ____________________ YES                NO
*Wears glasses ________________  ________________YES                NO
*Are lenses shatterproof  _________________________YES                NO
*Wears contact lenses  __________ ________________YES                NO
*Wears dental appliance _________ ________________ YES                NO
*Hearing problem _______________ ________________YES                NO
*Asthma  ____________________ _________________YES               NO
*Trouble breathing during exercise ______ ___________YES                NO
*Heart condition____________  ____________________YES                NO
*Diabetic  _____________________________________ YES                NO
*Medication __________ _________________________YES                NO
  *Allergies ____________ _________________________YES                NO--please list____________________________
*Has had an illness lasting more than a week ___________YES               NO
      in the past year

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*Wears a medic alert bracelet or necklace ________ ___________YES               NO
*Does your child have any health problems that would  ________ YES               NO
     interfere with participation in a skating program     
*Surgery in the last year _____________ ____________________YES               NO
*Has been in hospital in the last year _______________________  YES               NO
*Has had injuries requiring medical attention in the _____________YES               NO
     past year                                        
*Presently injured ____________   _________________________YES               NO
Please give details below if you answered "yes" to any of the above items:
(use separate sheet if necessary)

Allergies: ____________________________________________________________________
Medical Conditions  ____________________________________________________________
Recent Injuries: ________________________________________________________________
Last Tetanus Shot: _____________________________________________________________
Any information not covered above:_________________________________________________

Date of last comptete physical examination:__________________________________________________

*Any medical condition or injury problem should be checked by your physician before
participating in a skating program.

*I understand that it is my responsibility to keep the Strathroy Skating Club advised
of any change in the above information as soon as possible and that in the event no
one can be contacted, management will take my child to hospital/M.D. if deemed

*I hereby authorize the physician and nursing staff to undertake examination, investi-
gation and necessary treatment of my child.

*I also authorize release of information to appropriate people (coach, physician) as
deemed necessary.

Date:________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian: _______________________________

                                    "SAFETY REQUIRES TEAMWORK"

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Click this link to download registration form