Strawberry's Field (SF): Give us your particulars: hobbies, what you are/what you want to be, your fanfiction, websites etc.
Jane: Je pense donc je suis. Music, life, love, family and friends, writing, singing, reading. They all play a huge role in my being. Sometime about two years ago, The Beatles snuck into my life and have changed it forever (LIS! sounds like an advertisement). But I mean it. In Beatlefanfic world, I've written "In My Eyes" and "In the Blink of an Eye." In earth-stars-moon-sun world, I've written many other stories, poems, etc. What do I want to be? Wanting is different than knowing what I will end up being. I'd love to be a writer, an artist, a singer, a musician, an actress, a model (i.e. I'll probably be a child psychologist).
SF: What do you think about the online Beatles fan fiction world?
Jane: I love Beatles fan fiction world. I love the way it's constantly growing. I know a lot of people don't like the metamorphism of the place but I enjoy it. To me it has gone beyond just being a group of people who write and share their treasured fanfictions with each other; it's become a family. Yes, there are skirmishes. Yes, there are disagreements. But there's also a strong bond that pulls each and every individual "inhabitant" together. The Beatles and writing. Everyone shares themselves as well as their works and I find it to be overall a wonderful atmosphere.
SF: How do you feel about Beatles fan fiction in general?
Jane: I have mixed emotions on the subject. At first I was really adverse to the
whole concept. I couldn't understand it. I didn't realize what a
celebration of The Beatles it truly is. I'm amazed at how fan fiction in
general has grown and with that, Beatles fan fiction. Everywhere you look
there is some sort of fan fiction, whether it be a psychology book where the
author has an imaginary conversation with Freud, or it be a TV movie made to
remember a band of the past--all in all, it's all fan fiction.
I honestly believe the Beatles fan fiction world is filled with talent. I
am constantly amazed by what I read as well as the diversity of the authors.
The variety of ages of authors inspires me as well. It's a world, like
any other, and there are quite a few authors I greatly admire and respect.
"Originality" in terms of a new plot-line or idea isn't always easy to find
in fanfictions. Heck, I'll admit, my stories follow the "classic" boy meets
girl--boy loses girl--boy gets girl pattern but that's what I feel like
writing. Hence, I'm writing it. When "In the Blink of an Eye" is complete
I very well may attempt something different. But, as everyone whose ever
tried to write Beatles fan fiction knows, originality is hard to come by,
although there certainly are the occasional gems that are dropped into the
Beatlefanfic Idea Pond.
SF: Does age matter in writing fan fiction in your personal opinion?
Jane: As has been said many times before, maturity and talent are what matters.
SF: What are the most hackneyed plots to your mind?
Jane: The Romance. This has been identified by practically everyone who has become familiar with Beatle fan fictions. It's the girl-meets-Beatle-who-then-falls-in love-something-doesn't-work-out-they-try-to-fix-it-ending-happily-ever-after type of story. It's the typical "romantic-comedy" with a Beatle as the leading male heartthrob. (Which, by the way, tend to be my favorites..)
SF: What advice can you give to new authors?
Jane: Write from within. Think before you write. Hone your talent. Find some facts. Look for originality. Do it for yourself. Make sure you're enjoying it.
SF: How do you create? What inspires you?
Jane: First, I have to feel like writing. Second, I turn on my computer. I free my mind. I take ideas that have come to me in those right-before-I-fall-asleep twilight hours, in those I-can't-wait-until-this-class-is-over-moments, in those wow-that-thought-came-out-of-nowhere times, and those ever-bizarre-dream-sequence thoughts and let it flow as I type.
SF: Tell us about your writing style.
Jane: That's a toughie. It's hard for me pinpoint the essence of my own writing.
I attempt to convey the emotions and pulse of as many senses as possible
throughout, with as much clarity as possible. I do my best to scour for
grammatical errors and such but without having my own personal copy editor,
I'm bound to have a few slip few the cracks. (Although I would like to say
I have a fabulous editor-**THANKS OLIVE**-who will of course remain
anonymous ;) ). I try my best to let the reader feel a part of the story
as well as identify with the characters.
I'm constantly working to be critiqued and find criticism within myself so
that I might improve. I love to know that I'm working at a level that is
the best I can be and yet I still can go further.
SF: Favorite fan fics (not your own)?
Jane: I love so many of them! But I must say the most influencial of stories I've read are "Into My Life," "Beatles: Live at 12 Cold Creek Street"/"Days in the Life," "Walk Alone if You Choose," "Dear Friend, The Love of My Life," and "Don't Cry Tonight." Of those that are semi-new to me, "The English Rain," "McCartney Like An Icon," and "Do Not Go Gently." There really are so many others but I really don't have the room to list them all here.
SF: What's on your mind? Let us know! Where do you stand on---anything?
Jane: Family and Friends are constantly in my thoughts. Beatles. Renaisance (it's a British art rock band from the 60's). Music in general. Love. Tidbits of inspiration.
SF: What is your definition of the meaning of life?
Jane: I have no answer to be written in stone or signed in blood but for now, in
the few years I've had of my life this will have to suffice:
Love. I honestly try my best to understand, be compassionate with, and
communicate with everyone around me. Of course, ultimate perfection in the
matter is beyond humanity and thus I do slip up every once in a while.
Whenever I do end up hurting someone it inevitably means I've hurt myself as
well. I truly despise being at odds with anyone. I work my darnedest to
appease the needs of loved ones whenever possible and at the same time
endeavor to truly find myself and keep my essence positive and happy.
Ultimately, I hope to succeed--I hope to find and share love.
SF: The inevitable question: favorite Beatle and why?
Jane: JPoahunl. I love both John and Paul equally and it's a constant mental battle over who truly is my ultimate fav. I love John because not only is he incredibly sexy, but he also possesses (or rather, did possess) a mind that is so intricate and complex that I can't help but admire. I love Paul because not only is he gorgeous but he also sends off vibes of being incredibly sweet and caring. Needless to say, they are both monumental talents in their own write. (hehe ;) )
SF: Is there anything else you'd like to say?
Jane: "Sanity is a playground for the unimaginative." --Anonymous