Random Brilliance...It just jumps out at you!
Random Brilliance

Random brilliance is simply that...those special little flashes of inspiration or genius or whatever the heck you want to call it that come to all of us. I'm not saying that anything here comes close to "brilliance" but "random", yes.
These are various essays and writings I've done whenever that random brilliance has settled on my mind. Hopefully you have a laugh, if nothing else.
If all else fails, just breathe and say, "Whee!"

Most of the links aren't working yet. I'm still writing these things!

A Short Discourse on Clothes | The Internal Argument | Meditations on a Toaster Oven | Childish Illusions Dispelled | The Incorrigible Optimist | Painfully Taking the Blame | Essay on Writing Essays | One Writer's Frustrations | The Mirror of Insanity | Caring Even When You Don't | An Impenetrable Mask... |

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