Vic the Slick
Interview conducted August 25, 2000

Vic has been online since the time Rea's page was still up and running. Her story, the much-acclaimed Let It Down (now offline), was one of the original stories hosted there. She has also written Summertime and Lenny. She now runs Project Neptune, an excellent fan fiction site. She is currently working on Double Fantasy.
Strawberry's Field (SF): Give us your particulars: hobbies, what you are/what you want to be, your fanfiction, websites etc.

Vic: Hobbies... Tits.. j/k.. maybe. I'd say my hobby is writing fanfiction. My turn ons include brown eyes and tight McGregor worthy asses *cough*. Turn offs: ... I don't think I have any ;)
I think I'm human, but more basic than that I'm molecules... pieces of eight. I like to think of myself as a kind person, but whenever it comes to proving that.. I kinda end up short.. *shrugs* well at least I try. ;)
I'm an Aries, Gemini moon...Libra Rising. That makes me a bit crazy.. it's an interesting mix really. Probably why I like John and Paul so much...John's a Libra...aries rising.. Paul's a Gemini...and I'm pretty sure his rising sign is aries too... but I'm not positive cause I've never found the exact time he was born...but wait I'm distracting myself from the question. I'm a musician...I think. I hope. I wish. Well, I think I want to be a rock star...but isn't that everyone's dream? I have a homepage, , and project neptune. I'm not promoting it...don't think it needs it. I have a couple fanfictions, one online at the moment. umm I wrote 'let it down' some people might know that one, something called 'summertime', 'lenny' umm.. I have a lot of unfinished. Most recent is Double Fantasy.

SF: What do you think about the online Beatles fan fiction world?

Vic: It's stuffy. There's a lot of authors who hold themselves with such high opinions.. then when you read their fiction.. it's just total crap. Then there are the recluse authors.. they isolate themselves from their audience and the other writers .. which is a major bummer. I always say know who's reading your fics and ask them questions ;).
But like I said.. it's stuffy. It's a bloated universe with too many crappy fictions.
Then again, it is a friendly place... People are lovely.. but too quick to kiss their 'friends' asses just for a bit of popularity.

SF: How do you feel about Beatles fan fiction in general?

Vic: It's crap. I think the deal is that a lot of people are expecting 'into my life' caliber fanfiction ... and the lot of the writers can't deliver. We're a spoiled group. Well the writers are...I think. The fans that have hung around since Rea's are spoiled. lol. Hell, we're all spoiled.
There are good fanfics out just have to filter through the rest.

SF: Does age matter in writing fan fiction in your personal opinion?

Vic: Yes! Well.. not really age.. but maturity. IT shows if you're not experienced in one way or another.. just like it shows if your writing isn't up to par.

SF: What are the most hackneyed plots to your mind?

Vic: I'd have to go with my friend Jejune on this one. The classic *cough* plot. A Girl...who's in some kind of trouble with someone back home.. winds up in England...or some other place.. meets the beatles through some strange coincidence and falls in love with one of them.. usually Paul. They both try to work it out.. usually ends in them getting married and having kids. It's a disturbing plot.. it's like my friend said.. "Into My Life", "1966", and 12 Cold Creek thrown into a blender coming out like some ungodly ooze from hell.

SF: What advice can you give to new authors?

Vic: Find a fresh plot! Think about your writing before you write it. Plan it out, do an outline. Take a few classes in writing, buy a writing book. and most of all you should go out and experience real life if you're trying to write about it.
Another thing I should suggest is to not take advice from those who are actually reading the fic, this comes from experience.. you tend to try to cater to the audience and that only leads you to not make this *your* own fic... It ends up either being stupid, or you feel stupid and start disliking your fic.

SF: How do you create? What inspires you?

Vic: Woah, good question. The creative process... I'm having to actually think about this question. A lot of my stuff comes from dreams, lot of scenes come from real-life experiences. I do tend to write from personal experiences.. but then again I write a lot of fantasy too. So never think it's all personal. ;)
I think I write when the mood inspires me, when I got my mojo workin'. I usually put on some good tunes, relax late at night and just let it flow. Sometimes it works... most of the time it doesn't. Most of my fics are written on massive amounts of sugar, caffeine, carbs and Lennon.
Really, what inspires me.... I think I'd have to say.. well I think I'm inspired by trying to understand the human predicament. I know.. sounds like huge and egotistical.. but really.. I'm trying to understand things... learn things. I want to write when I figure something out. Another thing that inspires me is anger.. I have an over abundance of that ;) Love, that too.. don't usually write with that too much in mind though anymore.

SF: Tell us about your writing style.

Vic: I never realized I had a style until you [strab] mentioned it to me... I guess it's all about the senses, trying to convey what my character sees and feels into words. And I try to make you experience what the character's experiencing too. It's more than that really, I have a weird style.

SF: Favorite fan fics (not your own)?

Vic: *big smile* Sandy's (that's a Y not an I) "Like Dreamers Do". I'm totally in love with that one. "The Ballad Of Johnny & Sparkle", I'm hooked on that one... it's so it. "Dark and Snowy Night" - BRAVO!!! The whole fic...and sequel are really amazing. "#9 Dream ~Spiritfire" that one's fantastic as well, I really love the way it's written, it's beautiful.. like a song almost. Yours... strab, "Dear Friend, the Love of My Life".. write that next damned chapter!!!
I find myself skipping to the *ahem* dirty John-related parts of Into My Life.. still one of my favs. God, there's so many... "Listen to the color of your dreams", "I Can Hear Music", "The Beatles Live at: 12 Cold Creek Street" ........ damn there's too many!

SF: What's on your mind? Let us know! Where do you stand on---anything?

Vic: Sex. ;) It's always on my mind. Really.. I think I'm thinking about old friends, good times. Bad movies, popcorn. John Lennon, sexy. Umm.. lots really.
On fanfiction really.. I think I stand on the side that expects a LOT from writers. Expects that writers be able to spell, use grammar properly (lol like I can actually abide by that.. hell no). I like my fanfiction to be sexy, fast and wild.. just like my men.

SF: What is your definition of the meaning of life?

Vic: I know the answer's 42. Problem is.. I need to know the question. Really, I think the meaning I'd like my life to be would be to love everyone, try to get along. Make an impact somehow, enjoy some great music and not to hesitate on saying what I'm thinking. Just try to be yourself without hurting anyone.

SF: The inevitable question: favorite Beatle and why?

Vic: John Lennon, he's dead sexy...'scuse the bad pun. Really, he has an intriguing mind, a wonderful body. He's creative, doesn't like to bullshit anyone. He wants to be truthful with everyone but still hides inside himself. He's just interesting, there's always something new to find out about him.

SF: Is there anything else you'd like to say?

Vic: I thought I saw upon a stair a little man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, oh how I wish he'd go away.

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