written by the Walrus

In the winter of 1967, Trixi was looking forward to the end of her last year of college. She had majored in Art and English, but still didn’t know how that was going to help her in her life. Ever since she was little, she had wanted to be a musician, but her mother had forbidden her to take lessons, with the exception of classical piano, which was of little or no interest to Trixi. When she was in her freshman year at college, she had gone without a coat in the fall to buy an electric guitar, but her father had come to visit and immediately confiscated it. So, for her entire life, she had been without any music of her own.

However, that didn’t stop her from buying every single record that was made. Her record player and records were her most valued possessions, apart from her typewriter on which she wrote poetry and songs, and she had loved the Beatles ever since February 9th, 1964, when she first saw them on a magical man’s show. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was still new, and Trixi had been one of the first in her dorm to buy it, and the only one who could sing “Within You Without You” all the way through. She had posters of the Beatles covering what little wall space she could call her own, a very vaguely Beatles haircut, and her dreams, as she reported, were persistently about meeting John (her favorite) in a small sidewalk cafe in New York City. And no one ever, ever, insulted the Beatles in front of her! Call her obsessed. This is her story.

The Chapters

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five