Свеча горела - The Candle Burned

А. Пугачева – Б. Пастернак
A. Pugacheva - B. Pasternak

Мело, мело по всей земле, 
Во всe пределы, 
Свеча горела на столе, 
Свеча горела. 

Chalk, the entire world is chalk,
From end to end,
The candle burned on the table,
The candle burned.

Как летом роем мошкара
Летит на пламя, 
Слетались хлопья со двора
К оконной раме. 

Like summertime midges cluster and
Fly to the flame,
Snowflakes flew from outside
To the window frame. 

Метель лепила на стекле 
Кружки и стрелы,
Свеча горела на столе, 
Свеча горела. 

On the glass the blizzard sculpted
Circles and arrows,
The candle burned on the table,
The candle burned.

На озаренный потолок 
Ложились тени, 
Скрещенья рук, скрещенья ног, 
Судьбы скрещенья. 

On the illuminated ceiling
Lay shadows,
Crossing of arms, crossing of legs,
Crossing of Fate.

И падали два башмачка, 
Со стуком, на пол, 
И воск, слезами, с ночника,
На платье капал. 

And two work-boots fell,
With a knock to the floor,
And wax, like tears, from the night-light
Dripped onto the nightshirt.

И все терялось в снежной мгле, 
Седой и белой,
Свеча горела на столе, 
Свеча горела. 

And all was lost in the snowy haze,
Gray and white,
The candle burned on the table,
The candle burned.

Мело весь мeсяц в феврале 
И то и дело,
Свеча горела на столе, 
Свеча горела,
Свеча горела,
Свеча горела.

The entire month of February is chalk
And that's how it is,
The candle burned on the table,
The candle burned,
The candle burned,
The candle burned.