Welcome to the web home of Orbit the Cat. Despite my travels -- you would be astonished at the number of Frequent Flyer miles I've accumulated -- I am taking time out to create this page so that kitties and their purrsons can visit and have a really good caterwaul.
In addition to my NASA training and work, I have done advanced studies, earning a Masters of Science degree. I also have the privilege of being Team Manager of Bitsy's Whackers, the best girls baseball team in catdom. In fact, these pages might also be called "The Nine Lives of Orbit the Cat."
My favorite project, the one I most enjoy working on (whenevfur I can free up some time from directing my humans) undoubtedly is
which is all about herbs and their use. Herbs for cooking, herbs for healing, herbs for a cat to roll around on or nibble. Facts and fancies about herbs go back as far as written records or inherited memory.
My research into the history and enjoyment of tea takes much of my time - except for naps and snacks. Entertaining graciously is something I am learning, too, as you will see if you join me for Tea and Cakes with Taffy or Repasts and Recipes. Sometimes you'll find me wondering what to wear as I examine the contents of Orbit's Closet.
Thank mew fur visiting. Do feel free to explore, enjoy, and take home a recipe or two.
Cherokee story has truth and wisdom. |
What part of plants to use; how to collect and prepare.
Old wives knew a lot; that's how they lived to become old. |
I am Manager of Bitsy's Whackers gurlz baseball team Click for photo of team executives. Click for game against boyz |
I am happy to be a memfur of the Circle of Charms gurlz club. |
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true. |
Recognitions that keep my whiskers alert. |
Kindred spirits teleporting around the galaxy. |
Courtesy of Dreambook |
Email comments or suggestions to Orbit the Cat Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2003 Orbit the Cat. All rights reserved.