NEW 10.20.01
This is a photo of Stuart from the Peak Practice website.
This is the photo Stu sent me. I hope he doesn't mind my posting it, I've received many requests for more photos and info and since this is all I've been able to find in months, I thought it was nice to share it with the rest of Stu's fans.
Slideshow of photos of Stuart in Billy Elliot
Click the thumbnail for the full photograph.
There aren't many photos of Stuart available, as you can see. If you
do find any please let me know! Please note: - The photos of Stuart are copyrighted and property of their owners.
- Photo of Stuart in Spain while filming Morality Play is courtesy of Stuart Wells.
- Original photographs of the Billy Elliot street scenes are copyright 2001 Kevin Allen. Please ask his permission before using them on another page or anywhere else.
- Photos of Stuart as "Michael" in Billy Elliot on rooftop are courtesy of Yosemite.
- Screenshots in slideshow of Stuart as "Michael" in Billy Elliot courtesy of Bob123.
- Photo scan of Stuart in "Morality Play" costume with accompanying article from Empire Magazine courtesy of Rob.
- Photos of the street and houses in Easington/Everington used in "Billy
Elliot", courtesy of Kevin Allen.
NOTE: This is an UNOfficial website. I am not Stuart Wells, I can not forward mail to him or guarantee any communication with him. Thank you! - copyright 2000-01 by sw1 -