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MA or PhD research
Your MA or Ph.D. thesis is a major undertaking, and your degree depends on its success. The research and writing can take months or years. The thesis will probably be returned several times for corrections and modifications. Even the selection of the thesis topic may be a daunting and frustrating experience. Your mentor may not be able to offer you the proper time, experience, and help that you need to complete the thesis.
Even the benefit of the proper guidance and assistance for your thesis won't make the job easy, it will enable you to finish it in the shortest possible time. The effort will be smoother and the final product will be ready for submission.
Note: This instructor will not write the thesis for your, or help you in its actual production. However, you will benefit from hand-holding so that you will know what needs to be done, and you will no longer have a frustrating and confused feeling of not knowing how to approach the material.
This assistance will be of benefit for those preparing theses in any discipline.
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