Study with Grossman
Colleges And Universities
Computer Concepts
Extra credit - Excel

The following exercise is not required in our course. However, you're an expert in computers by now, and you might want to try this challenge. I'll answer your questions about it in class, and you can work on this exercise at home. Bring in the answer on the last day of class – both on diskette and as a printout.

The exercise:

A rich man wants to donate eight shuls to Israeli neighborhoods. I need to know the following statistics:

How many men and how many women daven in each shul? This will help the donor decide the size of the mechitza.

Create a chart showing the trends of growth in each area, so that the donor can see whether the shul really has to be bigger or smaller than the statistics show.

Make a spreadsheet with the following headings on top of each column: Ramot / Meah Shearim / Har Nof / Beis Yisrael / Geula / Bayit Vegan


  1. Date of Shabbos
  2. Total number of people in shul. Repeated in Rows 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Set up a formula so that Excel calculates the number of women in a separate column when you enter the number of the men. The formula works by subtracting the number of men from the total in that shul.

Create another column, in which Excel automatically calculates the average number of people who daven in each shul.

There will be one guard for every 95 people. Have Excel calculate the number of guards.

Format the spreadsheet so that it looks like a professional document.

Prepare a graph showing the different sizes of the shuls.

Print out the spreadsheet and the graph.

Save the spreadsheet to a diskette.

Submit three items with your name on each item:

  1. The printout
  2. An explanation of the formulas used in the printout
  3. The graph

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SyllabusFirst half of the term

SyllabusSecond half of the term

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