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The following page describes the course of study for business translation. It may be modified in order to accommodate the individual needs of each business enterprise.
Some documents will be submitted on paper (that means they will be typed on a computer, of course). Documents that are submitted on paper must include a completed copy of the Submission Form.
Your translations will included projects that are submitted by e-mail and on paper.
Participate in at least two issues during the course of the year in any of the group(s)
Note: Please staple your completed Submission form to each of these assignments
The following materials must be submitted by e-mail by the end of the week preceding our class. Be sure to save a copy of the e-mailed submission on your diskette.
Submit a real translation that makes me laugh. If possible, please give me a photograph or a very clear and good photocopy.
Analyze a significant thread with a large number of postings in Hebrew Translating. Tell how you would use the term in different contexts.
Improve the Grossman Translation website.
For the major project, you may work on any business topic, document, or genre. The bad ורגמוהו draft must take 5 hours using Grossman's method
Checklist: Include these items as a single unit when submitting the final document:
It is very useful for those involved in business to have a basis for translation, especially the support staff in any business. Today's business involves international trade and work with companies around the world, and even local businesses often have to deal with translations within the company and in order to be able to manage in a local multilingual environment.
This course will help people understand how to deal with the basics of translation and interpretation of materials in a business environment.
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Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.