This page is still under construction.
This proposed program will be modified for the needs of individual students and establishments. It is presented here as a guide to the range of possibilities that are offered.
Some documents will be submitted on paper (that means they will be typed on a computer, of course). Documents that are submitted on paper must include a completed copy of the Submission Form.
You will be learning many new concepts in Translation.
You will be asked to submit material either by e-mail or on paper.
Assigments that are not to be submitted
Week 1
Get your e-mail address (0)
Read the forms documents (optionally, print them out) (0)
Week 2
Join the following e-mail groups at your own e-mail address.
Make at least one copy of the Submission form
Assignments to be submitted on paper
Order the Rates page
Meaning of interesting family member names
Subsequent weeks
Note: Please staple your completed Submission form to each of these assignments
Shul page, 2 paragraphs
Resume (on paper)
Autobiography (on paper)
Translating Kodesh
60 cm article
Editing practice, page 2
Your translation for a real client: Date due depends on negotiations with your client
The following materials must be submitted by e-mail by the end of the week preceding our class. Be sure to save a copy of the e-mailed submission on your diskette.
Submit a real translation that makes me laugh. If possible, please give me a photograph or a very clear and good photocopy.
Analyze a significant thread with a large number of postings in Hebrew Translating. Tell how you would use the term in different contexts.
Improve the Grossman Translation website.
Thinking translationly: H/E differences. See subjects below. Five items required in any single category from the list below. Choose up to 10 categories (with five items in each).
- Feelings
- Sight
- Hearing
- Action
- Blurring of distinctions over time
- Body language
- See and say (טליתות-Taleisim)
- Blurring of concepts (לא איכפת לי)
- Reversals (חבל על הזמן)
- Ridiculous Hebrew terms (פטל בטעם תפוזים)
- Rhetorical Hebrew questions translated as statements
Opposites (זה לעומת זה (קהלת ג' י"ד: The same word is sometimes also used with an opposite meaning. Give five examples in a single language, with definitions and examples (Flammable/inflammable; to bone a chicken, sanctions, נחשלים-מחושל, חטא-לחטא, ויחלוש יהושע-חלש)
Assignments to be submitted by e-mail:
Who can succeed as a translator? Prioritize your reasons, with most important reason first
How I translate
Dictionary preferences and reasons
Six ridiculous Hebrew terms or names
Six bus terms
Six wedding terms
Six wrong translations they taught us
Six more untranslatables
Translation vs. interpretation
Major project
For the major project, you may work on any topic, document, or genre. The bad ורגמוהו draft must take 5 hours using Grossman's method (we'll learn what that means).
Submit the first, awful draft by Rosh Chodesh Adar, either typed or handwritten, on paper; do not submit the original Hebrew document
Give me a photocopy of the original Hebrew document and e-mail the final draft to the instructor
We will discuss the paper together.
Submit the final printed document two weeks after our meeting
Checklist: Include these items as a single unit when submitting the final document:
- Final perfect translation
- A staple. That's right - it must be stapled in order to be accepted.
- Photocopy of the original Hebrew
- Completed submission form
- Updated Translation Record
Get in touch with the instructor
Find out about Jewish and Hebrew professional forums
The international Hebrew Translating e-mail forum
Are you required to read this webpage for a course? Do NOT print out the article. It is copyrighted.
Your exercise for this article is as follows:
Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.