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Welcome to the website for private translation students.
The information you will need is located in two separate websites, as follows:
The different shades of green in these websites may help you "feel" the differences among them.
Feel free to browse through the following sections of this website:
Translation articles by David Grossman
Read articles by David Grossman about Translation
Join a Jewish or Hebrew on-line forum
Get in touch with the instructor
Are you required to read this article for a course? Do NOT print out the article. It is copyrighted.
Your exercise for this article is as follows:
What are the different parts of the Study with Grossman website?
What is the purpose for this section of the website?
Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.
Keyword: Translation