This year, grades will be given during the last class of the school year. There will be no late grades. You will keep track of your work, and your grade will be very clear to you as the year progresses.
That grade will be based on the assignments that you submitted through the next-to-the-last class. Do not submit homework, projects, or assignments after that date. Each project or assignment that you submit will be worth a certain number of points. If your project or assignment is perfect, you will receive the full number of points. If your project or assignment is less than perfect, then you receive fewer than the full number of points.
Check this web page to find out the total point value for that item. The total value of a project or assignment that is submitted on time reflects the number of points that you can receive. That total number of points is your tentative score. Your name: ________________
Title of this assignment: _________
Date submitted: __________
For this assignment:
Total value of the assignment___________ points.
Please evaluate each item that you have submitted in the following way:
Total number of points required for this course: 70 (+ 30 points as indicated above).
Total number of points that you had assigned yourself before submitting this paper:______________
Total number of points for the document that you are submitting today:__________
Where you stand: Total number of points you have received so far for the course_____________
Add 30 points (since your classroom performance, attendance, and participation are obviously perfect, right?)_______________
Your score as of today________________
Translation Class Assignment Record
Get in touch with the instructor
Hebrew Translating Forum website
Jewish Translation Teacher website
Are you required to read this article for a course? Do NOT print out the article. It is copyrighted.
Your exercise for this article is as follows:
1. Complete this page for each assignment and bring it to our meeting.
2. What is the procedure for assigning yourself a grade for the Translation class assignments?
Copyright © David Grossman. World rights reserved. This article may not be printed, forwarded, reproduced, or copied in any way or in any medium without written permission from David Grossman.