Study with Grossman
English reading comprehension
for medical professionals

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The course in English reading comprehension for medical professionals helps students read medical write reports and business documents. Students who complete the course successfully will be able to brainstorm, write, and edit business letters based on various letter formats. They will be able to prepare memos and reports. they will use style sheets and manuals to prepare footnotes and bibliographies.

Reading comprehension has always been an important part of any academic study. It is the way in which a person can become independent in his continuing studies of the medical profession, as well as a way in which he can prove that he is familiar with and skilled in the subject material.

This course of study will help people become familiar with available written and online resources.

The course will place a strong emphasis on locating data and doing research.

We will also study how to go into libraries through the Internet and to discover the resources that are available in other libraries and how to obtain the materials in some cases from those libraries from other parts of the world.

This course will help those in the medical profession read and communicate more effectively in English.

Although the name of the course is English, this course covers a lot more - and a lot less.

It covers more, because it also deals with business writing other than reports.

It covers a lot less: It does not include basics of mechanics, such as spelling and punctuation.

Those who are not familiar with these issues may take the course. Errors in mechanics will not affect your grade. When you complete the course, you will know how to prepare any important business document, but somebody else will have to review your document to check the mechanics.

Students will be taught the basics of writing layout, arrangement, content, and form, as well as the writing skills themselves for various genres, including reports, letters, memos, and other forms of communication.

The course will include a lesson about the use of the computer for writing. That lesson will help students understand how to do certain searches in search engines, how to prepare footnotes, how to prepare letters on the computers, and reports, faxes, and other documents on the computer.

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