Disadvantages of using a database system


Some disadvantages are as follows


. Security might be compromised (without good controls)

. Integrity might be compromised (without good controls)

. Additional hardware might be required

. Performance overhead might be significant

. Successful operation is crucial (the enterprise might be highly vulnerable to failure)

. The system is likely to be complex (though such complexity should be concealed from  

   the user)











A DBMS engine is a very complex block of code that loads into the computer’s memory with which all the user interfaces communicate.


Conceptually, a DBMS user interface links with the keyboard and mouse. This is its connection to the real world i.e. the world in which the user exists. A user communicates with the user interface using these tools. Once the user interface has captured user input it has simply to pass this input to the DBMS engine for execution.  



The DBMS engine analyzes the user inputs, if it cannot understand the user input an appropriate error message is returned by the DBMS Engine to the VDU for the user to read. If it understands the user input then a complex set of processes begin in the computer’s memory to fulfill whatever the user requested. The output of this processing is displayed on the VDU for the user to see.

Q. What are the factors that affect RDBMS perfomance?
The following are some of the reasons
1. Operating system environment
2. Hardware platform