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Ruhv.com, my new site)
Since May 30th, 2005:
Ruhv.com is my new website. My goal is that anyone who wants to can post their funny videos, pictures, or electronic artwork on this site. It is completely free to the public and the videos are absolutely hillarious! Take a look!!
News and Updates
- Alright, well I guess some loser hacked into my computer while I wasn't home and fragged it. So for now there's hardly anything I'm sharing. I should have it back to normal in a few weeks, because most of that stuff wasn't backed up.
- OKK I know I've been doing a lot of stuff lately and to keep with confusing people...I've decided to go with a FTP server instead of setting up the HTTP one. I realized how much of a pain it would have been to make a link for every cd and every song and every video. So with a FTP server, I can share it all much easier. Anyway you can go to in your browser or use your ftp client which would be better because then you could upload stuff too. But i'm on port 21 and you can just log in anonymously. It is not completely sublime though so you'll have to go into "Mp3's(Organized)" then into the sublime directory. Or for videos go into "Videos" then the Sublime directory. Have Fun!
- GREAT NEWS!!!!! THE SERVER IS UP AND RUNNING!!! I'm going to have to reinstall the software so I don't have to manually start the server. That way if I'm not the one turning the computer on the server will come one anyway. But have fun anyway, I'll start setting up my MP3's.
- alright, i downloaded some server software and i'm going to try to share my sublime videos since thats what everyone seems to want and i don't yet have my mp3's very organized. I'm not yet sure when i'll be running the server but it definetly will not be 24/7, for now just check back when you can. oh yea, the link is at the top of the page.
- Alright well today, it is May 28th 2002 and I just realized that I still had this website, before this I haven't updated it since April 2nd, 2001. So I've decided to start working on it again since I had a reinspired desire to make a good webpage. So since I already had one getting about 13 hits a day roughly, I decided to use this one as a base to make a really good one. Wow.
E-mail me with any questions, or to report broken links, screwed up pics, or anything else wrong with the site. Thanks! Yea and if you have been trying to email me for the last...oh i dont know, year or so, that was the wrong email address so this one works.