Generator Request Page

Requests are OPEN.

When requests are open, feel free to request an alteration or amalgamation of existing generators or an entirely new generator, if you like. Just fill out the form below (copy & paste the text from the box) and email it to me at If you have further things to discuss, feel free to contact me via any of the links at the bottom of the page (include said details in your request email, IM me or leave a comment on my latest LJ post — I don't f'lock often). Requests are filled in the order received, and I accept around ten requests at a time, so be patient.

Generator: Fandom, if applicable, or general subject (colours, months, flavours, whatever).
Details: This is the hard part. Do you want it to generate in pairs? In threesomes? Or just one at a time? Do you want prompts as well? If so, are the ones I use alright, or would you like different ones? (I use one fandom-specific prompt for each generator, so even if you want me to use my prompts, I'll need one fandom-specific prompt from you, if you're requesting a fandom generator.) Or are you looking for a different format entirely? In that case, I'll do my best to cater to your request, but I can't promise complete satisfaction — I can only beat Javascript into submission so often. :D;
Content: I'll need a list of the characters (or colours, or months, or prompts) that you want in the generator. These are the things that will turn up when you hit the 'Refresh' button. Be sure to also specify what they fall under; for example, 'Pairings: [list]' and 'Prompts: [list].' Please be sure that the items in the list are clearly separated. A numbered or bulleted list is fine, but each item should be on its own line, if that's not too much to ask. (These lists can be copy/pasted into the email or attached as a document.)

Your Name: This is what I'll be calling you, obviously, but also what will be listed under your generator request.
LJ: Yes/no — if yes, your username, and is it friends-locked/public? (Don't worry, I'm not stalking you; I just like to know who I'm doing business with.)
AIM: Yes/no — if yes, your screenname?
Preferred Contact Method: Email, LJ or AIM is best for me, but I can use Yahoo and MSN as well, so if either of those are your messenger of choice, that's fine, too. Just leave a screenname.

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Contact me: LJ | email | AIM
Page updated on September 18, 2007.