SUDAN WEB PAGES (2nd Version) Sudan web pages is collection of website pages related to Sudan on the Internet.The site offers links for the most useful pages about Sudan, I hope through this place to surf the researchers and those who looks for data or information related to sudan. I hope you enjoy my site. Sudan Country Guides
Current Time and Weather in Khartoum التوقيت والطقس الحالي في الخرطوم Sudan Basic Data (official)السودان معلومات اساسية موقع رسمي Sudan National Antheme ]النشيد الوطني السوداني [استماع] ; Flags :- اعلام Historical flags اعلام سودانية سابقة Current Flag العلم السوداني الحالي Sudan Maps : - خرايط سودانية Current Map خريطة السودان الحالية Small Map خريطة مصغرة Khartoum Map خريطة الخرطوم Juba Map خريطة جوبا Malakal Map خريطة ملكال Wau Map خريطة واو Others maps : - خرايط اخري Nubian Region (2002) جبال النوبة OCHA Presence(2002) UNHCR Refugees Camps (2001) معسكرات لاجئ المفوضية السامية لشؤن اللاجئين Nile Floods (2001) فيضانات النيل Climate anomalies (2001): Sudan By worldwide search engines : - (Google); (Alta vista) ( Netscape) (Yahoo) (Woyaa AFRICA) (Gates96) (Infoseek) (Linux)(City net's) (Factsheet) (AdmiNet) Sudanese Political Parties : - الاحزاب السياسية السودانية Umma Party حزب الامة Democratic Uionist Party الحزب الاتحادي الديمقراطي The National Democratic Alliance التحالف الوطني الديمقراطي SPLM الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان Sudan Alliance Forces قوات التحالف السوداني Sudan New Republican Party الحزب الجمهوري Sudanese Development Intiative Abroad (SUDIA) The Call of Democracy in Sudan نداء من اجل الديمقراطية في السودان Green Sudan Movement حركة السودان الاخضر The Republicant Thought homepage موقع الفكر الجمهوري GOVERNMENT مواقع حكومية Ministry of foriegn affaires وزارة الخارجية The National Assembly (Majlis Al -Watani) المجلس الوطني Sudan Constitution (Arabic) الدستور السوداني بالعربي Sudan Constitution (English) الدستور السوداني بالانجليزي Selected Laws of Sudan and constitutional court act of 1998 and political party act of 1998 Foreign Missions in Khartom البعثات الاجنبية في الخرطوم Sudan's Diplomatic Missions Abroad البعثات السودانية في الخارج General Election Act of 1998 Pages By صفحات عن السودان University of Columbia جامعة كولمبيا U S Institute of Peace المعهد الامريكي للسلام University of Texas at Austin جامعة تكساس في اوستن Harvard's Center مركز جامعة هارفرد University of Toronto جامعة تورنتو Bergen university research : sufi'ia history تاريخ الصوفية بحث من جامعة بيرقن Library of Congress Country Studies : Sudan السودان )مكتبة الكونقرس Stanford Library مكتبة ستانفورد CIA وكالة الاستخبارات الامريكية WIPO and others UN Orgs المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية ومنظمات عالمية اخري Information on contracting states Sudan legislative profile Standing committee on the law of patents Republic of Sudan by Amr Elmonawar Sudan home page (Individual) FAO country report 2001 IFAD country portfolio evaluation Sudan at a glance (world bank report) Oil and War reports and publications : النفط والحرب تقارير واصدارات God, oil and country, changing the logic of war in sudan The schorched earth: oil and war in Sudan, a report published by christian aid Sudan the continuing cost of war Sudan oil net Peace Intiatives in Sudan مبادرات السلام في السودان Mashakos Protocol, 20 July 2002 Sudan other wars (Abyei,nuba mountains,southern blue nile and darfur conflict) Sudan endgame (crisis group) The Nuba Mountains Cease - Fire Agreement Massyiria - Dinka peace Agreement IGAD Peace Intiative in Sudan Lybian Egyptian inciative for peace in Sudan The political charter between Sudanese Gov. and SSIM/A and SPLM/BGG on 10 Apr.96 The political charter signed on 26 April 1996. Agreement on settlement of disputes and normalization of relations between the republic of Uganda and the Republic of the Sudan (09.09.1996) The crocodile Tears : response to the book of tears of orphans The Peace Agreement between Sudanese Govern. and various of the rebel groups 21Apr. 96 The Inaugural meeting of conservatives for human rights held in the british parliament Conference on Sudan southern problem and the prospects of peace on 26 Apr. 1998 The USA policy to end war in Sudan SUDAN PEACE ACT Conflict in Southern Sudan الصراع في جنوب السودان conflict basic data Al-Shifa Factory and American Missile Attack Is Sudan the Nicaragua of 1990s? Where's the evidence? Terrorism against Sudan American claims about the Al-Shifa Factory Some events following the americam attack American government's evidence for the attack on Sudan British support for the attack An open letter to president clinton Human Rights File ملف حقوق الانسان Situation of human rights in Sudan March 2003 Human rights commission : Annotation to the provisional agenda 2002 Amnesty annual report 2003 Human rights watchreport 2002 The tears of orphans-Amnesty International Book Al-daein massacre by Dr. Ushari Sudan veiws and news by Dr. meheisi Anti slavery Organisation news One World Org. -Nuba area Refugees Organisation-situations in Sudan South Sudan online-south project South of Sudan by homelands page Health And International Aid الصحة والعون العالمي Ministry of Health Sudanese medical society WHO Health report JUN 2000 Sudanese red crescent Assoc. WHO Health report 2001 University of Khartoum medical graduates colleagues Malaria country profile Leprosy Situation report Refugee nutrition information system Apr. 2001 Economic and Business اقتصاد واعمال Sudan Commercial Directory Bank of Sudan (Central Bank) Khartoum Exchange stock Sudan financial position in IMF fund Index of Economic Freedom Sudan economic development and indicators links of business Financial investment bank list of sudanese banks and companies
updated 15.04.04 |