<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/the_real_januarywoman/HeavenIsAPlace.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
You are listening to "Heaven is a Place on Earth" by Belinda Carlisle.
Back in August of 2000, I had a chance to meet Cameron for the second time at East Ridge Mall in Gastonia, NC.  I'd met him at SSW 99, but at the time, I hadn't started my pages at all! This time when I met him, I made sure he knew all about my pages & guess what, he already did!  Here are some memorable shots of that happy day :-)
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He arrives!
Ready to roll!
Cam hugs a fan!
Cam & Jan!
Janny & Cam 2000!
Happy Cam!
Janny & Cam August 2000!
Janny talks to Cam!