Want to check out Josh's fan encounters? Here's the menu! Enjoy!
You are listening to "All Star" by Smash Mouth
Josh & Anna Elisabeth!
Janny Meets Josh!
Josh Meets Janny's Family!
Josh Pitches for Charity!
Josh at SSW 2000!
Janny Meets Rebecca!
Josh Duhamel: Bartender?
Janet meets Josh at the studio!
Rosie Meets Josh!
2000 AMC Fan Club Luncheon report from Janet!
Risa Meets Josh!
Planet Josh?!
Josh in Cali & more Planet Hollywood!
Josh at the Brokerage!
That Rascal Josh Duhamel!
Josh Meets Raisinkane & BabyKane in Sarasota!
Jady Meets Josh! Stacy Meets Josh!
Josh Meets Nicole in Sarasota!
Click here to see if Josh is coming to your area!
To write Josh:
Josh Duhamel
c/o All My Children Studios
320 West 66th Street
New York, NY 10023
Click here for more addresses!!
If you or someone you know has met Josh Duhamel,
email me at
& have your picture posted here! Please include a short story along with your pic. Thanks!
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