<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/the_real_januarywoman/ILoveYourSmile.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Cameron & Esta Fan Encounters!

Here is my little collection of fan event pix .... please email me if you have any of yourself, or someone you know, with Cameron, Esta, or Josh!  I'll add 'em!  Okay, here goes .....

You are listening to "I Love Your Smile" by Shanice.

Melissa & Cam!

Me with Cam at SSW 1999 in Orlando, FL -- Disney World! Wooohooo!

Janny & Cam 2000!

ME!! Janny! With Cameron Mathison, August 5th, 2000 at Eastridge Mall in Gastonia, NC!

My cyber-pal Melissa & Cam, also taken on August 5th!

Cam and Kaz!
Janet & Cameron!

Cameron with my cyber pal Janet Curtis at the AMC 1998 Fan Club Luncheon! Go Janet!

Cameron with my cyber pal Nailzbykaz!  Go Kaz!

Melissa conversing with Cam! Look how attentive he is!! :-)

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