<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/the_real_januarywoman/EverytimeUGo.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Sweet Secrets...
You are listening to "Everytime You Go Away" by Paul Young
By this point, Ryan & Gillian obviously can't get enough of each other & are eager to make up for lost time.  Here we see them for the first time at their secret meeting place, the Turret at Wildwind.  This was to be the first of several meetings between the two.  Afterwards, Ryan's laptop magically worked in the deserted Turret & he showed her how to connect to the Internet & send email messages to him! Hmmm, wonder what his address would be?   "RyanIsMyName@Lovin'IsMyGame.com"?? Hmmmmm .......
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