My Friends:

Bruce on Sept. 24, 2003 with the Astronaut Theory:
"The last three times there has been a big astronaut tragedy: 1967 (Apollo 1), 1975 (Soyez) and 1986 (Challenger), the Red Sox have made the next world series. Last winter, Columbia took one for the club."

Matt on Oct. 16, 2003:
"That and the fact that the Staten Island Ferry accident was the worst mass transit accident in New York since a subway derailed in Brooklyn in 1918."

Ken on Jan. 22, 2003:
"Gentlemen, I am pleased to I just returned from my annual physical and my testicles and prostate are in tip-top shape."

Good Quotes:
"Ain't no sense worrying about the things you can't control, because if you can't control them, there ain't no sense worrying about them...and there ain'y no sense worrying about the things you can control, because if you can control them, there ain't no sense worrying about them."
- Mickey Rivers

"Without the bitter, baby, the sweet ain't so sweet."
- Dude in Vanilla Sky

"You shouldn't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive."
- Van Wilder

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My Info:
Name: John Sudsbury
Email: sudsbury_2000@yahoo.com