The background on this page is what we are making.
You need:
Paint Shop Pro
VM Natural Filters
First, choose the photo you want to turn into this background. I used this one.
Ok, here we go.
Open your image in PSP. (I resized this one down 50%.)
Shift - D to make a copy. Minimize the original.
Go to Effects - Plug Ins - VM Natural - Ripper effect.
And use these settings (or find settings that you really like.)
Rotate your image you now have 90 degrees and apply the same settings again.
I use 20/20 for the seamless tile, but you can also use FM Tile Tools - Seamless tile.
Save as a jpeg file.
To mute the background:
I choose a lighter color from the original picture (white makes it looked too washed out for my tastes).
Promote to layer. Add a new Raster layer and send to bottom.
Flood file the new layer with your color of choice. (I used a med. blue #4785E5 with this picture.)
Then bring down the opacity on the top layer until you like it.
Then seamless tile and save.