Timeline for Rebellion

source; David Chandler's 'Sedgemoor 1685' Spellmount - now in paperback

6 February   Death of Charles II
2 May Earl of Agryle sails from the Netherlands to start the Scottish revolt
JUNE 1685
1st Monmouth sets sail belatedly from the River Texel for the West Country
11th Monmouth lands at Lyme preceded by a small landing at Chideock to collect supporters and horses. Red Regiment recruited
13th News of Monmouth's landing reaches James in London
14th Rebels brush with Dorset Militia at Bridport
John Lord Churchill appointed to command Royal forces sent west
15th Monmouth marches to Axminster, narrowly forestalling Albemarle's Devon Militia.
16th Rebels occupy Chard
17th Rebels camp at Chard
Albemarle reaches Wellington with Devon and Somerset Militias
18th Monmouth enters Taunton to rapturous welcome. Churchill's Horse makes contact with the Rebels near Chard; final defeat of Argyle in Scotland
19th Maids of Taunton present colours to Monmouth; first proclamation of Monmouth. Cavalry skirmish at Ashill
James II appoints Lord Feversham to overall command in the West. Royal cavalry fall back on Chard.
20th Second proclamation of Monmouth (as King) at Taunton. Blue regiment raised.
21st  Rebel army marches to Bridgwater; receives warm welcome
Col Kirke joins Churchill with his infantry at Chard. Main Royal force en route from London
22nd Monmouth marches to Glastonbury through rain; minor cavalry encounter at Langport
23rd Monmouth reaches Shepton Mallet
Feversham reaches Bristol
24th Rebel army marches to Pensford harassed by Churchill's cavalry
Feversham visits Bath; main forces approaching Bristol
25th Rebels repair bridge at Keynsham and cross; skirmish with Royal Cavalry and Militia - bad weather causes rebels to retire. Monmouth holds council of war; abandons Bristol project in favour of an advance into Wiltshire. Rebels march to Bath overnight
26th Monmouth camps at Norton St Philip (Philipsnorton)
Churchill joins Feversham at Bath
27th Royalist attack on Philipsnorton repulsed. Rebels set off after dark for Frome through rain
Feversham falls back to Bradford on Avon
28th Rebels reach Frome
29th News reaches Monmouth of Argyle's fate. Council of War. Rebels prepare to march on to Warminster.
Feversham and Royal army march to Westbury and recieve reinforcements including the artillery train
30th Thwarted by the Royal Army, Monmouth abandons plans to march to London through Wiltshire, and marches to Shepton Mallet
Feversham occupies Frome

JULY 1685
1st  Monmouth reaches Wells, capturing some Royal waggons. Desertion mounts
Feversham rests Royal army at Frome
2nd Rebels march towards Bridgwater, camp on the moor, joined by Clubmen
Feversham enters Shepton Mallet
3rd  Monmouth enters Bridgwater to lukewarm welcome; orders its fortification
Feversham marches through Glastonbury to Somerton
4th Monmouth considers breakaway to Bristol
News of Siege preparations reach Fevershamm. He reconnoitres camp at Westonzoyland
5th Monmouth decides on night attack
Royal army camps at Westonzoyland
6th Night battle of Sedgemoor. Monmouth flees to Downside. Rebels routed, pursued and rounded up
Churchill enters Bridgwater
7th Monmouth reaches Cranbourne Chase
Colonel Kirke marches into Taunton
8th Monmouth captured near Woodlands in Dorset
15th Monmouth executed at the Tower