Government Links
The biggest disappointment next to actually dealing with all the stuff that comes with an illness or disability is the realization that the programs such as Social Security Disability is more complicated than one could ever imagine.  It's gotten better over the years, however, not by much.  The government loves paperwork.  They will bury you in it and unless you know what you're doing right from the beginning, you're sure to be frustration bound within the first five minutes of your request for information from the Social Security Administration. 

The most important piece of paper you're going to need is a doctor's prescription stating you are physically disabled for "x" amount of time. Make extra copies of the prescription!! If you're lucky enough to be covered by short or long term disability at work, you'll probably need another note or prescription from your doctor for that.  There is a procedure for collecting Social Security Disability and Social Security Supplemental Income.  And it can get complicated depending upon your circumstances and who you were employed by. 

The following are links to Websites that I have found invaluable.  They contain information that can assist your search for the suitable help for your particular situation. 
Social Security Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Council on Disability
Government Benefits (GovBenefits)
National Council on Disability
US Dept. of Health and Human Svs.
My Story
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Mental Health Resources
Missing Children
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