Sacha and Sue's Home Page

Road Trip Photo Journal!

    wild things .    Hand Jam, Intense hand care for climbers.


             Krieg Chalk Bags   Stealth rubber                  

Visit our Photo Gallerie.  Photo's of various climbers and climbs at a variety of crags we've recently visited.

Photo on this web site are the sole property of Sue Charlebois and Sacha Deschenes. If you would like to use a photo from this site or are interested in some of our unposted photo's for commercial purpose, please contact us at :

If you see a picture you just have to have for your personal collection please feel free to help yourself. We hope you enjoy our site and visit us regularly.

Simply click on the location to veiw photo's of that area.

Tonsai Beach, Thailand. Winter 2001/02

Little Cottonwood Canyon, Ut. Spring 2002

Maple Canyon, Ut. Spring 2002

Joe's Valley, Ut. Spring 2002

New River Gorge,WV. Summer 2002

Red River Gorge, Ky.Fall 2002

Coming Soon: April... 2003

The Obed, Tennessee +++