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Sue Clark-Wittenberg, April, 2008 - Copyright - All Rights Reserved

A picture of Sue Clark-Wittenberg, Ottawa 2007

Sue Clark-Wittenberg is an antipsychiatry activist who is a pacifist and who believes in nonviolence. Sue believes many changes need to be made to the present mental health system as there are many human rights violations.

Sue is an electroshock (ECT) survivor whose life's work is to help end ECT in Canada and all over the world with the help of other anti-ECT activists. The movement to end ECT is growing worldwide everyday.

"Going to a psychiatrist is one of the most dangerous things a person can do"

- Dr. Peter R. Breggin, a psychiatrist and author in New York State, see his website:

People say there is no torture in Canada. Excuse my language but that's pure bullshit, there's torture being paid for by the Ministry of Health.

~Canadian shock survivor, Sue Clark

From Burstow video "When Women End Up in Those Horrible Places"(1994)

Photo - Left to Right: Shaindl Diamond, Sue Clark-Wittenberg holding her award, Dr. Bonnie Burstow, and Don Weitz

The Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault presented to Sue on Saturday, September 27th in Toronto, the first CAPA Award for Lifetime Antipsychiatry Activism.

Dr. Bonnie Burstow, chair of CAPA presented to Sue her award. Sue proudly accetped her award with gratitude and humility. Sue hung her award on her wall in front of her computer.
See the CAPA website for more information: