The Main Deck
The Ritual Sacrifices
Hall of Fame
The Crew
LJ Community
The Crew of the U.S.S. Sue Destroyer is comprised of anal retentive English and canon nerds of various fandoms, hand-picked by the Captain, your's truely. They are also my friends. Two of my crew are very silent and only point me toward the fics that look like prime slaughter, but ultimately, it was me who had to do it. Thankfully, I've got my Bosun pulling out her trusty axe to whip some major ass and she's just starting out with sporking. Hoist the colors, ladies! I see there be sues out on the water, aye!

Click on the crew member you wish to learn about to go to their page of information!
Bosun Alexiel
Bos'un Alexiel
Captain Ehren
First Mate Rae
Navigator Amanda
Crewman Kay